Wednesday, September 23, 2009

From the Dark Ages to the Enlightenment...haven't we gotten there yet?

 November 19, 2009 Kirk Cameron and his friend Ray Comfort are going to distribute, free of charge, a public domain copy of 'The Origin of Species' with 50 additional pages included.  While the extra pages may be part of the introduction, I got the impression from the video below that at least some of the 'modifications' will be included in the main body of the book.  The extra information takes a conservative, fundamentalist view of Creation. 

Kirk Cameron expresses some delight that the book will be, visually, indistinguishable from a regular copy of The Origin of Species.  Young college students (the target group) will unwittingly be getting a modified version of The Origin of Species, which will expose them to the truth about God and the Gospel.  He seems pleased that they'll be able to fool people into taking their books.  I find that sad and disturbing. 

Its also kind of creepy that because a book is in the public domain it can be changed and no one needs to know.  I can imagine a time, 100 years from now, when no one will know what is real and what has been altered to fit into a new reality.  Very sad.

I'm heartened by the number of people who spend time countering the right wing creationists, including this Romanian girl who has a few things to say...


1 comment:

John said...

HAHA!!!! This was funny enough just watching Kirk! But then with the girl? Wow. She was amazing. I wanted to stop Kirk several times to correct him, but she did better than I would have by a long shot. She even caught a few things that slipped by me. Fun!!! I'm sending this to my brother. I only wish I had the guts to send it to my sister.