Saturday, February 21, 2009

Today's message to Obama

I wrote another message to Obama today. The website allows up to 5000 words now. Eek! I thought 500 words was challenging and interesting. I was forced to think about what I really wanted to say. In any is what I wrote:

Dear President Obama,
Please consider that the current fianncial system may be so degraded that using our limited resources to 'save' it could prolong fundamental problems affecting our democratic way of life. The wealthy have so much entrenched power in all arenas (including government and media) that those of us who don't seek power or wealth as a means of artificially deriving our self-worth are at the mercy of those who do. A democracy should equally protect the interests of people who choose to 'live' and people who choose to 'rule'.
I think you're open to the possibility that just because its been this way doesn't mean it has to stay this way. You should also know there are Americans who will support your efforts.
I think you're doing a wonderful job. I'm exhausted just reading about all the work you and your team are doing.
I support you 100%.
Thank you,
P.S. I see I'm no longer limited to 500 words - I'll try not to abuse the privilege! :)

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