Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A little rant...

My take is that Republicans and the news media are spinning the Obama picks as if they're a right-winger's dream team and vindicate all the Bush policies of the last 8 years - no change at all, in other words.

Don't these people understand English? Obama has been very clear that he has a new VISION about how things are done. That has never meant that a radical left wing agenda was in the offing. It has never meant that Obama just picks people and lets them run off and do their own thing.

It means that Obama is a LEADER who knows how to pick smart people, but who also knows his VISION is key to how the smart people implement plans and policies. That's why we voted for him.

Why is that so hard to understand?

People who may have behaved a particular way in the past are not necessarily going to behave the same way under a good leader.

My expectation is that Obama will work hard in the first year to get us out of this economic mess. He may not be as 'left' as I'd like, but I'd rather that he be responsible. While the economic crisis is working itself out, Obama will be mending fences around the world and return the US to a place of respect around the world.
Not only that, he'll be putting the pieces into place for an overhaul of our health care system and education programs and things like that. In the second year, he'll start implementing those plans.
I expect Obama will be a 'can do' president. Stuff will get done.

So, please stop 'spinning' reality so you can pretend to giggle in your sleeve (that's what it seems like the Karl Rove's etc are doing). You're just trying to jump on the bandwagon and rescue your reputation. And act like this is what you wanted all along.

And, by the way, why is Karl Rove even ON any show except FOXNews anyway? I saw him on the Today Show this morning. He's a has-been who proved that his political philosophy is destructive and ultimately responsible for the down slide of America in the last 8 years.

While I'm writing about ridiculous right-wing idiots I'd like to mention Elisabeth Hasselbeck because she makes me nuts. This morning on the View she criticized Obama for not saying the war in Iraq has been a success (in Barbara Walters interview with the Obamas). Are you eff'n kidding me? Success? Man - you're not thinking. I've discussed this before but it continues to irritate me.
1) If he doesn't think its a success, why should he say it just to appease you?
2) Elisabeth Hasselbeck's definition of success must be that one good thing happened in Iraq. She chooses to ignore all the crap things that happened. Not all of us live in her world. She's ridiculous and silly to continue believing that her definition is everyone's definition and then criticizing us when we don't agree with her. She wants to think Iraq is a success? Fine. Just accept that the rest of us don't necessarily agree. And there's the problem - this is explained to her over and over and over and over and over and she still brings it up. Is she thick?

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