Sunday, December 14, 2008

Extreme Winter Weather

I'd like to make note that this weekend is the first 'we got it wrong' weekend of the Winter season. They had us all geared up for a big windy day on Friday afternoon with snow coming on Saturday or Sunday. This morning, they have reporters all over the area on Snow Watch, standing on bare pavement making small talk.
The weatherman says we'll still have snow, its just coming later than expected; Later on this morning.
We'll see. I get fooled by them all the time.
I don't mind a weatherman making a mistake and I'm proud of the city utilities making sure they're ready to go. I don't even mind the media being ready to report.
What I really (REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY) don't like is the local news media sending reporters all over the place and when the weather doesn't happen, they still report and check in as if something has happened. Way to garner trust, people. Grrrr...!
Not to mention my CBS Sunday Morning show is being preempted for no apparent good reason. What's wrong with 1 minute updates at the 1/2 hour until something does happen.

UPDATE: Soon after that post, it started snowing in the area. But, its less than three hours later and the road in front of my house is clear and wet.
The local news is doing the round the clock coverage though.
They expect that since the temps are going so low, we'll have icy streets tomorrow and for several days with new snow expected on Wed or Thurs.

I mean, really, didn't they have ice storms in the east last week? That's extreme winter weather. Anyway - for us, this is a big deal I guess.

In all honesty, I don't go anywhere when the weather is snowy or icy. It kinda scares me. I don't trust myself to have an accurate understanding of the dangers - its either worse than I think and I'm driving recklessly, or its better than I think and I'm exagerrating my caution. So, its best if I just stay home, which doesn't bother me anyway. And I don't live in an area that gets this kind of weather all that often so it shouldn't be such a hardship to stay home.
I don't know why people love their work so much that they're willing to put themselves in a situation where they could incur hundreds or thousands of dollars of damage, or even bodily harm, to get there. Why? Don't they realize most companies wouldn't give them that much consideration? Is it really worth it? The company isn't going to compensate you for damage to your car or person. Again, I live in an area where we don't have that much snow/ice weather so its different than Minnesota or Maine or something like that.
Can't the world just stop for a minute? What's so important about what everyone has to do that they can't put it off? (Doctors, utility workers, nurses, policepeople, and Fred Meyer clerks...THANK YOU!!)

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