Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Day The Earth Stood Still

(I wanted to put two movie posters at the top of this entry - one from 1951 and one from 2008. But, I'm not sure what the rules are for that - so i didn't. I want to find a way to make the look of the entries more interesting.)

The original movie was heartwarming. I can't remember where I saw it, but I remember enjoying it and liking the alien and feeling good about the movie.
I thought I'd like to see the remake that opened yesterday, but decided against it when I saw a television commercial that showed a government official saying to Keanu Reeves "Why have you come to our planet?" and he responded, "Your planet?"
I don't like that line. I really don't like it. I don't like what it represents.
Humans are made from materials on the Earth. If Humans are not of Earth - who would be? We are as much a part of Earth as every rock, tree, drop of water, and particle of air.
I realized the movie was going to be about humans as caretakers of Earth - as if we are not OF Earth.
In the original movie, the whole Earth would be vaporized if the people didn't stop using and threatening to use atomic weapons.
In this version, only humans should be vaporized because they aren't good caretakers of Earth.
That's fine. Its a message movie. And I suspect its a message I agree with - Preserve our planet!
But, its too obvious and predictable and I no longer care to see it.

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