Friday, November 21, 2008

The View - Rosie O'Donnell, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, and Barbara Walters

I'm giving in to my need to share my opinion. Even if the topic is completely manufactured and ridiculous. This is my opinion and not based on anything other than watching the show. Its my perception only. I could be completely wrong.

First, in a work situation you learn to get along with people you don't like. So, to the degree that they are work mates, I believe that, at the least, the hosts learn to appreciate parts of their coworkers personalities, even if they wouldn't spend time with them outside of work.

Barbara Walters is about making money. She'd like to believe she's still a newsperson, but I don't think she is. She's the executive producer of the show. She's the one who determines the tone and direction of the show. When they started discussing all the ABC reality shows (The Bachelor) so incessantly, I realized she's all about making money.

She often makes a point to toot her own horn. Its fine once in a while because she's had an interesting life. But, its clear Barbara doesn't like the parade passing her by. She creates opportunities to talk about her pioneering status at ABC News, or her entertainment specials, or who she's interviewed. I remember when Meredith took the job at The Today Show, and before Barbara could say congratulations, (on the show at least). she made a point to remind everyone she was the first woman on that show or something like that.

I don't think she likes Elisabeth Hasselbeck any more than anyone else, but she wants to make money.

Rosie O'Donnell is a tough cookie and she's ready to play the game, but she also wears her heart on her sleeve. She believes what she's told and feels betrayed when people don't live up to her expectations. That's why she's still frustrated and angry about her experience on the View. She believed Elisabeth was her friend. She believed Barbara understood her. Neither of them was as genuine and Rosie would have hoped, and expected. I understand Rosie's frustration - the more she tries to tell the truth, the more the 'machine' works against her.

I don't think I could be friends with Elisabeth Hasselbeck. I could be friendly and civil towards her, but not her friend. I think Rosie is the same. Apparently they've exchanged e-mails, so maybe they are more than just friendly to each other. I'm sure if you compartmentalize who Elisabeth Hasselbeck is, she's probably a nice person. I happen to think people's political views are a reflection of their entire personhood. I don't like the politics she stands for; not that she's a Republican, but that she's an ideologue.

Anyway - the whole 'affair' is stupid and if the news hadn't shown a story about it, I wouldn't even have thought about it.

Why is it coming up now? Because Rosie has a new variety show coming up. The question is - did promoting the variety show put Rosie in the position of being interviewed more often and the interviewers asked her about The View? Or, is she talking about The View so she'll get interviewed more and her variety show will be promoted? Which came first - the chicken or the egg?

Well, my take on this is that Rosie is being interviewed more and the media are asking her about The View and she's answering honestly.

I think Joy Behar is the type who knows who signs the paychecks and stays out of this. I'd be interested to know what she thinks. I think Joy and Barbara understand each other and are good friends. (Barbara is on the liberal side, I think). Joy is loyal to her own interests - the 'feud' doesn't involve her so she won't get involved. Which would frustrate me but its perfectly reasonable and acceptable. I think Rosie's emotional openness makes Joy uncomfortable so they probably aren't great friends outside the office, but they had a good working relationship. Joy makes it clear she won't get involved.

Okay - that's what I think. It means nothing.

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