Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

This year I'm thankful for:

my family - a small bunch we are, but I'm grateful we've maintained connections even though we're very different.

my friends - another small bunch. For those I'm still in touch with, I'm grateful for the good conversation and knowledge that if I need you, you'll be there for me. For those I'm no longer in touch with, but still think of as friends, I'm thankful my memeories are either good ones, or, with the passage of time, I'm grateful that any unpleasant memories have faded or I've gained a better perspective.

my health - since I like to live in the world of health and aging denial, I'm not only grateful, but also lucky, to be healthy and able to earn a living.

my home - in any kind of weather, I have a place of my own where I can get out of the elements. I also have indoor running water and a soft bed to lay my head at night.

Thank you one and all.

1 comment:

John said...

I too was thankful for indoor plumbing this thanksgiving. Hot showers, toilets, sinks, drinking water at a whim. Indoor plumbing = civilization.