Friday, November 7, 2008

Barack Obama's First News Conference

I'm very excited for Barack Obama as President and sympathize with the overwhelming nature of this transition.

I'm watching his first news conference. And what can I say? Hmmm...
I feel kindly toward him while at the same time recognizing this feels uncomfortable to him right now. Most noticeably, he's got a list of press people he's calling on in order rather than, at this point, calling on them by name and face.

And then, there's the 'uh'. I hate to say it, and maybe I'll get used to it and stop hearing it. He was like this at the beginning of the campaign and it had mostly stopped by the end. Now that he's in uncharted territory again, its come back. Oh well. Nitpicky.

It was mostly very serious and I kind of drifted off a little bit during a couple of his questions.

Overall, he looked and sounded good. I like that he wants to take his time selecting his cabinet. I like that he wants to help the middle class by rebuilding infrastructure.

His funny line was "I've spoken to all the presidents...that are living."

I think he wants to make clear that he takes all this very seriously. In his normal personality, he would be much more jokey and at ease. But, he knows that if he's like that he'd get in trouble. He was at ease when talking about the dog. I like that Barack Obama. And I guess as long as he's like that when actually doing the work (as opposed to just being in press conferences), that will be fine with me.

I was kind of nervous for him before the press conference. He's doing very well though.
I'm still inspired and excited and I want to help.

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