Sunday, September 21, 2008

Political Language from the Right

I try very hard to be kind about the political choices people make. I don't mind when people have honest differences about policies and the role of government in our society.

But, I do mind the tactics and the language and the attitude of the McCain/Palin campaign. I mind very much.

If you want to hear some of the hate-filled language that right-wing Republicans listen to on talk radio, watch the segment on Bill Moyers Journal called "Rage on the Radio" (
Warning: If you listen, it will sadden you and you will be amazed that those people are on television and radio - that someone pays them to say those things.

That's what passes for political discourse in the right-wing so its no wonder the McCain/Palin supporters don't even realize how horrible they sound. In fact, they might think they're downright respectful in comparison.

I wonder how many parents who listen to right wing radio also complain about the hate filled lyrics in today's music? That would be interesting to know.

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