Friday, August 29, 2008

Democratic National Convention - Summary

Phew - its over! That was a lot of political talk for four days.

Last night's speech by Barack Obama looked quite presidential, I think.

Because I'm already a supporter, I would have liked more of a soaring quality to the speech, but I understand it wasn't intended for me. That was a speech for all the people who say that Barack Obama isn't presidential. He did a great job detailing what he wants to do for the country. There was just enough of the inspirational rhetoric to soften the edges of the hard policy information.

I thought the fireworks and music at the end of the speech didn't match the tone of the speech and felt a little awkward. It was soaring music, but the speech didn't lead into soaring. The fireworks took everyone's attention away from the Obama/Biden families. I think it took a lot of the crowd energy with it - they dispersed quickly.

I'm not complaining though. I think Obama's speech did exactly what he needed it to do. He was clear about what's important to him and his approach to problems.

My summary of the campaign perspective - they message they wanted us to hear...

Obama wants to energize the economy by helping regular middle class folks - McCain wants to help big business and the wealthy class.

Obama believes in a safety net for those among us who are at a disadvantage - McCain believes effort leads to reward, period.

Obama believes we ought to talk to our enemies and get out of Iraq as fast as possible - McCain believes the Bush foreign policy is working.

Obama is for equal pay for equal work, a woman's right to choose, gay and lesbian rights - McCain does not.
Barack Obama wants to restore the Promise of America - John McCain thinks things are promising as they are.

I think there's a lot more but I can't think of them fast enough. As I remember, I'll edit this post.

The most important thing to remember about the Democratic message from the convention is John McCain has voted with George Bush/Dick Cheney at least 90% of the time and if you're voting for John McCain then you're voting for a third term of the Bush/Cheney administration.

The themes of the four nights...
Monday - One Nation
Tuesday - Renewing America's Promise
Wednesday - Securing America's Future
Thursday - Change You Can Believe In

This morning on CNN, John Roberts was speaking to Sheryl Crow and she related a story about an interaction she had with John McCain before he was officially running for President. At a fundraising dinner for him she asked why the United States wasn't ratifying the Kyoto Protocol. He said "I'm afraid our best years are behind us".
When you have children, you don't want to hear a leader saying that. Just an observation from one voter.

In any event, the mantra of the Democratic Convention was John McCain is more of the Same.

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