PRACTICE PEACE - IN THOUGHT, WORD, AND DEED. This blog supports Peace, Personal Growth, The Energy of Love, civil liberties, human rights, good government, journalists and journalism, public libraries, and a vegan lifestyle. I am grateful for my health, employment, a warm home, indoor plumbing, and a new day.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
The Illusion of Solitude
Every day, my effort is to get closer to I AM; the cosmic consciousness, the universal energy of love...
Eckhart Tolle calls it the place of BEING and ENLIGHTENMENT; an eternal, ever-present ONE LIFE.
We're all there.
We share the power of ONE LIFE, yet we are all individual expressions of one life.
My arm is part of my body, but it has a unique perspective on how I go through this world that's different than my leg. My arm and leg make unique contributions to the successful effort of my ONE LIFE.
In the same way, each of us make unique contributions to the full expression of the universal ONE LIFE.
The paradox is that, in this world, it's standard to be told you have to 'do it' yourself.
Each of us has to make the transitions of our life on our own...nobody can do it for you.
Is that so?
Is that so?
Maybe that's a rule somebody's ego made up so they could feel good about themselves.
What's wrong with holding out a hand and showing someone the way?
What's wrong with standing shoulder to shoulder to face the world together?
What's wrong with believing in the power of lots of people coming together to make change?
Who's rule is that anyway?
I wonder.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
If at first you don't succeed...
Today’s another day.
I’m going to try again.
I will never be completely understood, or completely right.
I’ll never find peace until I accept that
I will never be completely understood, or completely right.
I use other people to assess my self-worth
Because I don’t know how to do it myself.
When I believe that my self-worth is constant – unchanging – immutable…
Then, I’ll be free.
Today’s another day.
I’m going to try again.
This morning, I closed my eyes and asked the universe to show me what I needed to know. I flipped through the pages of Eckhart Tolle’s Practicing the Power of Now. Still with my eyes closed I selected page 126
“I don’t mean dropping the reaction just verbally by saying, “Okay, you are right,” with a look on your face that says, “I am above all this childish unconsciousness.” That’s just displacing the resistance to another level, with the egoic mind still in charge, claiming superiority. I am speaking of letting go of the entire mental-emotional energy field inside you that was fighting for power.
The ego is cunning, so you have to be very alert, very present, and totally honest with yourself to see whether you have truly relinquished your identification with a mental position and so freed yourself from your mind.
IF YOU SUDDENLY FEEL VERY LIGHT, CLEAR, AND DEEPLY AT PEACE, that is an unmistakable sign that you have truly surrendered. Then observe what happens to the other person’s mental position as you no longer energize it through resistance. When identification with mental positions is out of the way, true communication begins.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Leaving one moment and moving to the next
This weekend I learned how calming it is to leave the 'baggage' of a previous moment in that moment and move into the next moment fresh.
I had a frantic morning on Saturday, it seemed I was doing everything the hard way - turning left instead of right, not writing directions down well enough, not being prepared, etc. It was a morning in which every small thing becomes bigger. I was frustrated.
As I reached my destination, though, I thought how unfair it is to saddle other people (or even myself, I guess) with the frantic energy of trying to get there. It makes no nevermind to the current moment.
In the past, I've used that as part of my identity. "I'm the one who had to overcome all these goofy obstacles to get here - aren't I special?"
This weekend, I left the frantic energy in the past moment, didn't make it part of my identity, and moved forward. I quite enjoyed not letting myself be part of energy that no longer had any value.
I felt calm and peaceful.
Nice lesson...:)
The picture above is from Saturday morning. It seems to me a good representation of a 'moment'.
The picture is of a Blue Heron flying into the pond area at Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden.
I started tracking it as soon as someone pointed it out, but I had no idea what my settings were at the time. I don't even know what the settings SHOULD have been to track it.
I didn't even think to click the shutter until the bird had passed before me. What you're seeing is the backside of the bird flying away from me. Oh well.
I'm amazed I was able to track it pretty well. The shutter speed is 1/30 and the aperture is f/11. ISO 400.
I like it because the bird is so in focus.
I had a frantic morning on Saturday, it seemed I was doing everything the hard way - turning left instead of right, not writing directions down well enough, not being prepared, etc. It was a morning in which every small thing becomes bigger. I was frustrated.
As I reached my destination, though, I thought how unfair it is to saddle other people (or even myself, I guess) with the frantic energy of trying to get there. It makes no nevermind to the current moment.
In the past, I've used that as part of my identity. "I'm the one who had to overcome all these goofy obstacles to get here - aren't I special?"
This weekend, I left the frantic energy in the past moment, didn't make it part of my identity, and moved forward. I quite enjoyed not letting myself be part of energy that no longer had any value.
I felt calm and peaceful.
Nice lesson...:)
The picture above is from Saturday morning. It seems to me a good representation of a 'moment'.
The picture is of a Blue Heron flying into the pond area at Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden.
I started tracking it as soon as someone pointed it out, but I had no idea what my settings were at the time. I don't even know what the settings SHOULD have been to track it.
I didn't even think to click the shutter until the bird had passed before me. What you're seeing is the backside of the bird flying away from me. Oh well.
I'm amazed I was able to track it pretty well. The shutter speed is 1/30 and the aperture is f/11. ISO 400.
I like it because the bird is so in focus.
Life Decisions
I have some big decisions to make about the direction I want my life to take.
I think the universe is encouraging me to make the decision because I've been confronted several times this week with the idea of making decisions. Most notably at work (leadership program topic of the month was making decisions) and this morning on CBS News Sunday Morning.
In the story on CBS this morning we find that too much information will make it more difficult to make decisions. Which made me think it would be nice to create a website that people could go to and get all the information that I think is important for them to know.
My motto would be "I make the decision about what you need to know, so you don't have to."
And then it occurred to me that's what mainstream media does for us already.
I think the universe is encouraging me to make the decision because I've been confronted several times this week with the idea of making decisions. Most notably at work (leadership program topic of the month was making decisions) and this morning on CBS News Sunday Morning.
In the story on CBS this morning we find that too much information will make it more difficult to make decisions. Which made me think it would be nice to create a website that people could go to and get all the information that I think is important for them to know.
My motto would be "I make the decision about what you need to know, so you don't have to."
And then it occurred to me that's what mainstream media does for us already.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Happy Earth Day!
There were lots of nice Earth Day images to choose from on the web. I couldn't decide which to go with.
The point is to be aware of the Earth today. Be aware of how your life choices affect the Earth.
Eat local, pick up after yourself, turn the water off while brushing your teeth.
Those are small acts that are like little celebrations for today.
You might also consider joining forces with other like-minded people to affect your community on a larger scale.
Today is your day to Be The Change...Enjoy!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Martha Beck's "10 Rules I've Unlearned"
I enjoy Martha Beck's columns in the O Magazine. Common sense straight talk with a dash of gentle - just my style.
This month, her column includes the 10 things she's glad she's UNlearned!
Go to page 70 of the May 2010 edition of O Magazine for the full list - these are the ones I resonate with today...
1. Problems are bad
"Real problems are wonderful, each carrying the seeds of its own solution. Job burnout? It's steering you toward your perfect career. An awful relationship? It's teaching you what love means."
Eckhart Tolle would suggest there are no problems - it becomes a problem because we link an emotion to a statement of fact.
2. It's important to stay happy
"...we don't have to be happy to feel good. "It's okay to be as sad as I need to be". This kind of permission to feel as we feel - not continuous happiness - is the foundation of well-being."
Eckhart Tolle would say it's fine to acknowledge the feeling - but not to get attached to it. Let if float in and out of our awareness. No resistance.
3. I'm irreparably damaged by my past.
Sometimes I sure as heck feel that way! But...
"the very thing you're doing at this moment - questioning habitual thoughts - is enough to begin off-loading old patterns. For example, take an issue that's been worrying you ("I've got to work harder!") and think of three reasons that belief may be wrong. Your brain will begin to let it go."
Eckhart Tolle would agree...:)
5. Success is the opposite of failure
"We succeed to the degree we try, fail, and learn."
Aha - learning is my downfall. I try a lot. I fail a lot. But, I'm not so good at learning. But, I will keep trying...:)
6. It matters what people think of you
"Right now, imagine what you'd do if it absolutely didn't matter what people thought of you. Got it? Good. Never go back."
Of course, this is a cornerstone to Eckhart Tolle. It only matters that we are true to our inner purpose.
10. Loss is terrible.
"Ten years ago I still feared loss enough to abandon myself in order to keep things stable. I'd smile when I was sad, pretend to like people who appalled me. What I now know is that losses aren't cataclysmic if they teach the heart and soul their natural cycle of breaking and healing. A real tragedy? That's the loss of the heart and soul themselves. If you've abandoned yourself in the effort to keep anyone or anything else, unlearn that pattern. Live your truth, losses be damned. Just like that, your heart and soul will return home."
Update: I read the rest of the magazine this morning and there's LOTS of good information in it. Overall a great issue.
Update again: Here is a link to the full list
This month, her column includes the 10 things she's glad she's UNlearned!
Go to page 70 of the May 2010 edition of O Magazine for the full list - these are the ones I resonate with today...
1. Problems are bad
"Real problems are wonderful, each carrying the seeds of its own solution. Job burnout? It's steering you toward your perfect career. An awful relationship? It's teaching you what love means."
Eckhart Tolle would suggest there are no problems - it becomes a problem because we link an emotion to a statement of fact.
2. It's important to stay happy
"...we don't have to be happy to feel good. "It's okay to be as sad as I need to be". This kind of permission to feel as we feel - not continuous happiness - is the foundation of well-being."
Eckhart Tolle would say it's fine to acknowledge the feeling - but not to get attached to it. Let if float in and out of our awareness. No resistance.
3. I'm irreparably damaged by my past.
Sometimes I sure as heck feel that way! But...
"the very thing you're doing at this moment - questioning habitual thoughts - is enough to begin off-loading old patterns. For example, take an issue that's been worrying you ("I've got to work harder!") and think of three reasons that belief may be wrong. Your brain will begin to let it go."
Eckhart Tolle would agree...:)
5. Success is the opposite of failure
"We succeed to the degree we try, fail, and learn."
Aha - learning is my downfall. I try a lot. I fail a lot. But, I'm not so good at learning. But, I will keep trying...:)
6. It matters what people think of you
"Right now, imagine what you'd do if it absolutely didn't matter what people thought of you. Got it? Good. Never go back."
Of course, this is a cornerstone to Eckhart Tolle. It only matters that we are true to our inner purpose.
10. Loss is terrible.
"Ten years ago I still feared loss enough to abandon myself in order to keep things stable. I'd smile when I was sad, pretend to like people who appalled me. What I now know is that losses aren't cataclysmic if they teach the heart and soul their natural cycle of breaking and healing. A real tragedy? That's the loss of the heart and soul themselves. If you've abandoned yourself in the effort to keep anyone or anything else, unlearn that pattern. Live your truth, losses be damned. Just like that, your heart and soul will return home."
Update: I read the rest of the magazine this morning and there's LOTS of good information in it. Overall a great issue.
Update again: Here is a link to the full list
Wow - I wasn't expecting THAT at all! I had seen one trailer and decided I wanted to see the movie so I avoided reading anything else about it. I was expecting a light comedy for geeks.
There is a lot of humor, but it was also very substantial - and violent.
I enjoyed the movie on a visceral level - very primal. It was intense. I could barely stay contained in my seat, I kept covering my face; my mouth was stuck open in shock and awe during much of the film. A lot of really good action scenes.
I thought the movie was shocking, and funny, and interesting. Shocking because it was so frank and real. Shocking because the real hero was an 11 year old girl assassin. Shocking because the father used his daughter as his weapon of revenge. Funny because the guys seemed so real - yes, there's lots of violence, but count on a teenage boy to be more interested in sex. Funny because it was so outrageous. Funny because...well, there were a lot of funny lines. Interesting because it was about how people watch violence in this multi-media world, Interesting because the father and daughter had a really loving relationship, Interesting because a superhero is someone who doesn't just stand by watching.
I was reminded of Quentin Tarantino and Josh Whedon's Doctor Horrible.
The music was great - Banana Splits theme song when Hit Girl went into the drug apartment and kicked ass.
There was patriotic music when Kick Ass, in the flight suit, uses the gattling guns to shoot down Amico and save Hit Girl.
Lots of layers to the movie.
At the end, little Hit Girl takes on the security team of the drug kingpin - and she KICKS THEIR ASS. I know I should be shocked that a little girl is doing all this - but I was so rooting for her and wanted to tell those violent bullies that they were getting their asses kicked by a little girl!!!!!!
It's like a schoolyard taunt come to life.
During this part - the bad guys were pretty funny. That was the most intense scene of all.
The sad scene was when Hit Girl is coming in to save Big Daddy and Kick Ass and Big Daddy is so proud of her and she's trying to listen to him to get instructions about what to do next. That's the one time she looked like a little girl.
Man - its a strange and crazy and good movie.
At the end, when she's going back to school, some bullies try and take her and she just kind of smiles at them. We know what happens next. And I thought how freeing and powerful that is for a girl to know she can physically kick anyone's butt; she doesn't have to be afraid 'cause she can take care of herself. That's pretty powerful. I wish I'd had that growing up - and even now. All of us women should know that - in this world of violence and machismo and war and rape and abuse - we can protect ourselves from people who try to physically harm us.
I wish.
That was my last impression from the movie.
All around great job by everyone, I think.
I wish I could write a better review, but I have to write quickly or I'll forget - so just impressions.
I'm going to read what critics have said about the movie. I suspect I'll feel ashamed for liking it so much...what will it say about me? What can I say? I still feel a lot of pent-up energy from watching it.
Update: Indeed, Roger Ebert gave it 1 star, there was controversy about the language of the little girl (really? The language?) and I think some people missed the point that the little girl being violent was one of the themes of the movie. Many people get that. Some did not. I still think it's an odd, terrifying, stand-out movie.
Update: Indeed, Roger Ebert gave it 1 star, there was controversy about the language of the little girl (really? The language?) and I think some people missed the point that the little girl being violent was one of the themes of the movie. Many people get that. Some did not. I still think it's an odd, terrifying, stand-out movie.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Doctor Who - The Eleventh Hour
I watched tonight's premiere of Matt Smith and Karen Gillan as The Doctor and Amy Pond. Good job!
I liked both of the actors and their characters immensely. I think I'm going to enjoy this pairing. Big Thumbs Up from me!
It's true what they say about Matt Smith. Although he's the youngest to ever play the part, he manages to make me believe he's an old Time Lord. He doesn't look like an 'age', he looks like The Doctor. I think he'll do a fine job. The appeal of The Doctor, to me, is that he takes care of his friends - he's super smart and super capable which makes him super sexy. Super! :)
Karen Gillan as Amy Pond has a wonderful energy. I like that she has red hair like Donna Noble. And the same kind of spirit as Donna Noble. But, a little more sexy sass with regard to The Doctor. Could be interesting. And she's adorable to boot.
In a previous post I wrote that Matt Smith might be too young for me.
He most assuredly is, but he's not too young to play The Doctor.
I liked both of the actors and their characters immensely. I think I'm going to enjoy this pairing. Big Thumbs Up from me!
It's true what they say about Matt Smith. Although he's the youngest to ever play the part, he manages to make me believe he's an old Time Lord. He doesn't look like an 'age', he looks like The Doctor. I think he'll do a fine job. The appeal of The Doctor, to me, is that he takes care of his friends - he's super smart and super capable which makes him super sexy. Super! :)
Karen Gillan as Amy Pond has a wonderful energy. I like that she has red hair like Donna Noble. And the same kind of spirit as Donna Noble. But, a little more sexy sass with regard to The Doctor. Could be interesting. And she's adorable to boot.
In a previous post I wrote that Matt Smith might be too young for me.
He most assuredly is, but he's not too young to play The Doctor.
Goodbye Betty
Its only been a few days and I already miss that Ugly Betty is not in my world. I need the sweetness and the courage of Betty. Every character was lovely, their good side and bad sides all rolled into one. Everyone was redeemed in the end.
Betty Suarez was cut from the same cloth as my other two favorite television icons - Mary Richards and Ann Marie. Fresh, vivacious, courageous, hopeful, inventive, talented.
Betty wasn't perfect, but she knew how to do the right thing in the end - even if it was the hard thing. She had a loving family who supported her in the best possible way - they loved her, weren't afraid to speak honestly to her, and encouraged her to be exactly who she was. No judgment.
Betty had wonderful, special relationships with everyone.
Yeah - I'm still trying to be like Betty, Ann, and Mary - and I'M OLD!!!
I notice none of these ladies ever got married in their television lives. Interesting.
Betty Suarez was cut from the same cloth as my other two favorite television icons - Mary Richards and Ann Marie. Fresh, vivacious, courageous, hopeful, inventive, talented.
Betty wasn't perfect, but she knew how to do the right thing in the end - even if it was the hard thing. She had a loving family who supported her in the best possible way - they loved her, weren't afraid to speak honestly to her, and encouraged her to be exactly who she was. No judgment.
Betty had wonderful, special relationships with everyone.
Yeah - I'm still trying to be like Betty, Ann, and Mary - and I'M OLD!!!
I notice none of these ladies ever got married in their television lives. Interesting.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Between The Dings II
When you say Being are you talking about God? If you are, then why don't you say it?
At first glance, this section seemed pretty obvious to me. It's about word choice - God vs Being. How do we describe the place we want to be?
As I think about it (dig deep, take time, seek truth), I think it might be an idea I'm not equipped to discuss. It's more than a word choice - it's not just semantics.
It's important because it helps to define our world view.
For me, the world runs on Love; the Energy of Love. No matter what word I use - that's what I'm thinking of - that's the place I want to be. When I'm there, I think I'm living in alignment with the Universe.
I can't even comment on other people's ideas. I was about to go into why some people might be making a choice to read Eckhart Tolle. Big mistake I now see. How can I presume to know about other people's motivations? Or even pretend I have a stake in it when it has nothing to do with me?
Well - that seems like a perfect segue into tomorrow's section about EGO...:)
But, before I leave this section...I want to remind myself that what I'm heading toward is a
At first glance, this section seemed pretty obvious to me. It's about word choice - God vs Being. How do we describe the place we want to be?
As I think about it (dig deep, take time, seek truth), I think it might be an idea I'm not equipped to discuss. It's more than a word choice - it's not just semantics.
It's important because it helps to define our world view.
For me, the world runs on Love; the Energy of Love. No matter what word I use - that's what I'm thinking of - that's the place I want to be. When I'm there, I think I'm living in alignment with the Universe.
I can't even comment on other people's ideas. I was about to go into why some people might be making a choice to read Eckhart Tolle. Big mistake I now see. How can I presume to know about other people's motivations? Or even pretend I have a stake in it when it has nothing to do with me?
Well - that seems like a perfect segue into tomorrow's section about EGO...:)
But, before I leave this section...I want to remind myself that what I'm heading toward is a
state of connectedness with something immeasureable and indestructible, something that, almost paradoxically, is essentially you and yet is much greater than you. It is finding your true nature beyond name and form.
the radiant joy of Being and the deep, unshakeable peace that comes with it
I'm looking for a way to find myself lovable.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Between The Dings I
I think my project idea is a good one, but I'm not entirely clear how I'll proceed. What will I write about?
Ekchart Tolle lays out his ideas so effectively - I don't feel a need to distill his writing down to it's essence for clarity, or expand on anything for greater understanding.
There's no need to rewrite "The Power of Now"!!
Ekchart Tolle lays out his ideas so effectively - I don't feel a need to distill his writing down to it's essence for clarity, or expand on anything for greater understanding.
There's no need to rewrite "The Power of Now"!!
For myself, I want the project to lend structure to my experiencing of digging deeper, taking more time, and seeking truth (one of my motto's for the year). In digging deeper, after reading a section, I plan on spending time in silence and presence.
From there, maybe my idea about what to write will come.
I've decided to call these entries 'Between The Dings'. In the audiobook a bell chimes between sections. In the book, the chime is represented by the curley cue thing.
Since Eckhart Tolle put them in - I'll go along with those as natural breaking points for ideas.
TPON means "The Power of Now", and PTPON means "Practicing The Power of Now" which is a companion book I may also refer to periodically.
Today's reading is about enlightenment (TPON pp 11-13). What is it?
Enlightenment is not something you attain, it's something we all have and can experience if only we choose to accept it. When a person is enlightened they feel peaceful, and connected to "something immeasurable and indestructible, something that, almost paradoxically, is essentially you and yet is much greater than you."
Enlightenment is regaining your awareness of your natural state of Being.
I wonder why some people seek enlightenment earnestly, some people seek it out when their life circumstances call for it, and others never even think twice about it.
I'd be interested to understand that more.
Enlightenment can't be experienced with our minds, which is why it's hard to explain to people who don't seek it. It seems the act of WANTING to be enlightened, might be a key first step toward being enlightened. ?
Today's affirmation: I choose to walk today in enlightened 'being'-ness.
And I hope you do the same...:) Enjoy the day!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Eckhart Tolle, “The Power of Now”, and Me…a project of acceptance
It turns out my life isn’t going the way I’d hoped.
I thought I’d have more peace of mind by now.
When I was young, my mother told my sister and I that if we saw a hay truck on the highway we could make a wish on it. We had to lick our thumb, stamp the opposite hand’s palm with the wet thumb, and seal the ‘stamp’ with the side of our fist.
Wish registered!
I always wished for ‘peace and happiness’.
Maybe there was a time when I was really young that I wished for toys or candy.
But, since my first memory I’ve always wished for ‘peace and happiness’.
Sometimes I’d make it more specific by saying ‘world peace and happiness’.
Mostly, it was all about me and my peace and happiness!
I think I must have made that wish about 150 times in my life. And I’m talking legitimate, hay-truck-on- the-move, wish-registered-properly wishes – 150 times!
So, where’s my peace and happiness, huh?
I've recently been told you have to DO stuff (or rather UNDO stuff) to have a peaceful, happy life.
That’s what my new project is about…the process of discovering how to be peaceful and happy.
Now, I haven’t DONE it (or UNDONE it) yet – so who’s to say I’ll really discover peace and happiness.
But, I did say it was about the process, right?
My foundation will be Eckhart Tolle’s “The Power of Now”. I have the book, I’ve downloaded the audiobook, and I have paper and pencils at the ready.
I will see it, hear it, practice it, mull it over, and share it.
My goal? To live free.
First entry from the book coming up tomorrow!
Bless us all…J
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Here's another approach...

Seinfeld "The Opposite"
George: Why did it all turn out like this for me? I had such promise...It became very clear to me sitting out there today that every decision I've ever made in my entire life has been wrong. My life is the opposite of everything I want it to be. Every instinct I have, in every area of life, be it something to wear, something to's all been wrong.
Jerry: If every instinct you have is wrong, then the opposite would have to be right.
George (later): This has been the dream of my life ever since I was a child, and it's all happening because I'm completely ignoring every urge towards common sense and good judgment I've ever had. This is no longer just some crazy notion Jerry, this is my religion!
Just like George, I'm going to shake things up!
Whatever my view of the world has been so far, it hasn't gotten me where I want to be.
I've run out of ideas.
I'm on a new path!
If my old ideas don't work - I'll use other people's ideas! No prejudging. Just doing.
I have some limitations still - food for one. I can't move forward with courage if I'm sick to my stomach all the time.
And honestly, I'm not ready to jump out of airplanes just yet.
Right now I'm going for things like...
Don't hang on to past hurts; don't identify with past emotions.
Respect myself by feeling good about my appearance (clothes, makeup, white teeth, etc)
Don't be lazy!
And join things. Fully participate. Don't stay on the edge - jump in (that one is mine!)
So far that's what I've got. If you have any ideas, let me know
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy Easter
"Eostre" by Thalia Took
Today I wanted to acknowledge Easter in some way as it relates to rebirth, renewal, and commitment. But, my thoughts are all over the map and I can't settle on what I feel compelled to write.
Bottom line - without flourish...
1. Every moment we have the opportunity to renew ourselves - mistakes happen in the flash of a moment. We can either choose to commit to the mistake and escalate it, or we can choose a new path in the very next moment and try again. Try again. Try again.
2. There is life beyond our bodies. Without our bodies we are still connected to God and the Universe and Love.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
I'm immensely grateful to be warm and dry on a rainy gray spring day
...and for the sunshine that inevitably follows (just minutes later, in this case)
Thursday, April 1, 2010
One day late...
It's interesting that in one moment I changed from just barely on time to late. Two minutes earlier and I'd have posted this on March 31. Oh well...I'm the April Fool! :) Have fun today!!!!
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