Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Between The Dings I

I think my project idea is a good one, but I'm not entirely clear how I'll proceed. What will I write about?

Ekchart Tolle lays out his ideas so effectively - I don't feel a need to distill his writing down to it's essence for clarity, or expand on anything for greater understanding.
There's no need to rewrite "The Power of Now"!!

For myself, I want the project to lend structure to my experiencing of digging deeper, taking more time, and seeking truth (one of my motto's for the year). In digging deeper, after reading a section, I plan on spending time in silence and presence.
From there, maybe my idea about what to write will come.

I've decided to call these entries 'Between The Dings'. In the audiobook a bell chimes between sections. In the book, the chime is represented by the curley cue thing.
Since Eckhart Tolle put them in - I'll go along with those as natural breaking points for ideas.
TPON means "The Power of Now", and PTPON means "Practicing The Power of Now" which is a companion book I may also refer to periodically.

Today's reading is about enlightenment (TPON pp 11-13). What is it?
Enlightenment is not something you attain, it's something we all have and can experience if only we choose to accept it. When a person is enlightened they feel peaceful, and connected to "something immeasurable and indestructible, something that, almost paradoxically, is essentially you and yet is much greater than you."
Enlightenment is regaining your awareness of your natural state of Being.

I wonder why some people seek enlightenment earnestly, some people seek it out when their life circumstances call for it, and others never even think twice about it.
I'd be interested to understand that more.

Enlightenment can't be experienced with our minds, which is why it's hard to explain to people who don't seek it. It seems the act of WANTING to be enlightened, might be a key first step toward being enlightened. ?


Today's affirmation: I choose to walk today in enlightened 'being'-ness.

And I hope you do the same...:) Enjoy the day!

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