Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Role of Media in Politics

This is short and simple. There are different levels of political media.
1. Reporters - they have the responsibility to seek out and publish the truth.
2. Analysts - they have a responsibility to interpret the facts in a larger context.
3. Opinion Columnists - they have a responsibility to give their opinion based on the facts and analysis.

Currently, the mainstream media (broadcast media in particular) believe their role is to be a forum for partisan talking heads.

That's one of the reasons the four year political circus that is our election cycle has been degraded so much that we end up with lies and deceit instead of discussion of real world issues.

Issues we should be talking about:
What does the United States owe to its own citizens and to the citizens of the world? What am I buying with my tax money?
How should money be distributed in our national and global economy?
How do we, as individuals, want to live in our homes, cities, nation, and the world? How should that be reflected by our government?
Is Earth the limit of our existence? If so, how can we protect our home, and if not, how can we start exploring the rest of the solar system, galaxy, earth?

Addendum: From Jared Bernstein on Huffington Post September 14, 2008:

"It helps if there's a referee to cry foul when the lies are proffered, but the media has been inconsistent at best, compelled to feign "balance" even when doing so means implicitly endorsing the lies.

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