Sunday, September 14, 2008

Linda Robinson on Q&A September 7, 2008

Excellent hour! Recommended watching (

Linda Robinson spoke to Brian Lamb about her new book "Tell Me How this Ends: General David Petraeus and the Search for the Way Out of Iraq"

Since 2003 she's been to Iraq 11 times. She's a former reporter for US News and World Report, but left there to finish her book.

Linda spoke about the work of David Petraeus in Iraq for the last 18 months or so.

In the end, Brian Lamb asked her what she hoped people would learn from her book.

She said "I hope they will learn that, as Klaus Witt said (sp?), "War is politics by other means", and the only way you can get a resolution of this conflict is by looking at the political motivations of those who are fighting and use the military and other resources to address those motivations. We have to engage in the politics of Iraq to get to the solution."

She sounded very knowledgeable and spoke without hesitation about complicated and interrelated issues from the military to politics to sectarianism, etc.

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