Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Campaign Ads for the General Election 2008

For my own benefit, I want to see where DID all the negativity start?

There are two kinds of negativity, I'm discovering.

First, there's the kind we've had all along - generally taking things out of context to make a point. As a completely made up example (except it turns out its similar to an ad listed below which might be where I got the idea): "John Smith is against the troops because he didn't support this legislation that gives the troops body armor". The truth is John Smith might have voted against the legislation but its because the troops would have had to pay for the body armor out of their own pocket. Again, completely made up - but you get the point. The ad would have distorted the truth to support the idea they want to share.

Now, I find that kind of stuff irritating and negative, but, while I would consider it negative, it seems to be the general consensus that politics is a dirty business and that's just the way it is. Also, for us regular folks its hard to know if that's true when we don't follow every single bill in Congress all the time. Its an easy one to get away with for the campaigns.

The second kind of negativity is about creating an emotional fear for people. Its the whispers and innuendos kind of ad; ads that persist in spreading rumors and incorrect information even when its been proven to be untrue.

That's where things have moved, I think. Even if not in the ads themselves, McCain makes a point of acting like he's done nothing wrong or at the most he's just defending himself. His negativity is a response to Obama's. He defends all his ads even when people call him on them. I just don't see it that way at all. I think its just the opposite.

I've always thought Barack Obama has stayed mostly above the fray and not gone negative in the same way John McCain has. My perception is that John McCain's ads are not about the issues, but Barack Obama's are.

Just to be sure, I decided to do some research. Following is a list of ads that have come from the campaigns (not the DNC or the RNC or any 527's or anything like that - only the campaigns). I've watched them all and generally summarized what was said in each of them.

The website I used to get these ads is:
Its the Political Communication Lab at Standford University

These are the ads in chronological order since June 2008:

06/03/2008 - John McCain - Estamos Unidos (spanish/radio)
I don't speak Spanish so I'm not sure what they're saying. I think the theme is "We are united with John McCain."
06/05/2008 - John McCain - Safe
John McCain speaks - Introduction to John McCain's military past. "Only a fool or a fraud talks tough or romantically about war." "I hate war and I know how terrible its costs are. I'm running for President to keep the country I love safe."
06/09/2008 - John McCain - Cuba Prisoners (spanish/radio)
I don't know.
06/16/2008 - John McCain - Global
Female narrator - John McCain stood up to the President on global warming 5 years ago. He has a plan for curbing greenhouse gas emissions, a plan to grow our economy, and protect our environment. "Reform. Prosperity. Peace. John McCain"
06/19/2008 - Barack Obama - Country I love
Introduction to Obama, he speaks to the camera and pictures of his family and early life are shown.
06/23/2008 - John McCain - Energy Security (web)
John McCain speaks and words on screen: A reliance on oil, A threat to our climate, A threat to our economy, A threat to national security, "Much of the world's oil supply is controlled by states, regimes, and a cartel which America's well-being is not exactly a priority. We must shift our entire energy economy." Alternative energy, plug-in and hybrid, clean coal, nuclear energy. "The next president must be willing to break with the energy policies of [end the federal moratorium on drilling], not just the current administration, but the administrations that preceeded it, and lead a great national campaign to achieve energy security for America. I know how to do that, and I will do it my friends."
06/25/2008 - John McCain - Dr. No (web)
Spoof of the James Bond opening title sequence for Dr. No. Words on screen and Barack Obama's voice in the background. Words on screen (voiceover of Barack Obama) are: Barack Obama is Dr. No No to drilling offshore oil ("would not lower gas prices today") No to a gas tax holiday (garbled) No to innovation No to the electric car (I can't hear it) No to clean, safe, nuclear energy ("I start off with the premise that nuclear energy is not optimum, so I am not a nuclear energy proponent") Barack Obama truly is the Dr. No of Energy Security.
06/26/2008 - John McCain - Purpose
Male narrator - ",,,John McCain will call America to our next national purpose - Energy Security. A comprehensive bipartisan plan to lower prices at the pump, reduce dependence on foreign oil through domestic drilling, and champion energy alternatives for better choices and lower costs. Putting Country First. McCain."
06/27/2008 - John McCain - Seal (web)
Male narrator - this ad has pictures of American landmarks and items that have Barack Obama's face superimposed on them. The text is: "As Barack Obama talks about change let's take a look at what he's changed so far. He's changed the presidential seal. What will he change next? The Statue of Liberty? Mount Rushmore? The Hundred Dollar Bill? For Barack Obama, its change you can make in PhotoShop."
06/30/2008 - Barack Obama - Dignity
Male narrator - Introduction to Obama, narrated piece about what Barack Obama has done in the past and what he wants to do as President, related to the dignity of work.
06/30/2008 - John McCain - Colombia Free Trade (web)
John McCain speaking while the words are subtitled in Spanish. He says "To fuel our economy we must create jobs for Americans and for our neighbors to the south. With better jobs, more of them will be able to stay in their country. We can't go back on our word on Free Trade promises with Mexico, Canada, and Central America or anyone else. We must encourage more trade agreements to create more jobs on both sides of the border. That's why I'm behind the Colombian Free Trade Agreement."
07/02/2008 - John McCain - Columbia Free Trade (spanish/radio)
I think this was played in Florida because I thought I heard that. I think it also said Colombia is very important. And it ended with Su nombre es John McCain, which I think means His name is John McCain.
07/02/2008 - John McCain - Our Values (spanish/radio)
I don't know
07/07/2008 - John McCain - Jobs for America (web)
John McCain speaking - "...I'm running to serve America and to champion the ideas I believe will help us do what every American generation has done; to make, in our time and from our challenges, a safer, stronger, more prosperous country, and a better world. " While speaking the following words were on screen: Millions of New Jobs. Cheap, Clean, Secure Energy for America. Immediate relief for American families. Genuine relief to millions of families. A wide-ranging plan to help the US economy. Nuclear energy will provide 700,000 new jobs. Keep tax rates low. Portable, affordable health care. Balance the budget by the year 2013. John McCain Country First.
07/07/2008 - John McCain - Love
Male narrator - summer of love vs love of country. Hippies vs John McCain, POW.
At home, McCain's philosophy is "Before party, polls, and self...America."
He's a maverick - he tackled campaign reform, military reform, spending reform. He took on presidents, partisans, and popular opinion. "He believes our world is dangerous, our economy in shambles. John McCain doesn't always tell us what we hope to hear; beautiful words cannot make our lives better. But a man who has always put his country and her people before self, before politics, can. Don't hope for a better life, Vote for one."
07/08/2008 - Barack Obama - New energy
Male narrator - McCain is part of the problem, Bush/McCain Drilling Plan - no new oil for 7 years, McCain will give tax breaks to big oil, McCain has voted with Bush 95% of the time, Barack Obama will make Energy Independence an urgent priority, raise mileage standards, fast track technology for alternative fuels, $1000 middle class tax cut
07/10/2008 - John McCain - God's Children (spanish/radio) (mislabeled? Its not just radio)
John McCain in english, subtitled in Spanish. John McCain talking about all the hispanics who have served in the military and do serve. Even the ones who have a green card, but aren't citizens yet. "...Let's remember from time to time that these are God's children. They must come into our country legally, but they have enriched our culture and our nation as every generation of immigrants before them. Thank you."
07/10/2008 - John McCain - God's Children (web)
Same as above except no Spanish subtitles and has a few extra words.
07/14/2008 - Barack Obama - America's Leadership
Barack Obama speaking, the single biggest threat we face is nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists, on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Barack Obama worked with Lugar (R) to pass legislation to lock down nuclear weapons, US must lead the world to reduce that threat, "We can restore America's leadership in the world"
07/18/2008 - John McCain - Troop Funding
Male narrator - "Barack Obama never held a single senate hearing on Afghanistan. He hasn't been to Iraq in years. He voted against funding our troops. Positions that helped him win his nomination. Now Obama is changing - to help himself become President. John McCain has always supported our troops and the surge that's working. McCain. Country First."
07/21/2008 - John McCain - Pump
Female narrator: (During the first part of this ad there is a crowd chanting in the background that is at first indistinct "Gas prices 4 dollars, 5 dollars, no end in sight. Because some in Washington are still saying no to drilling in America, no to independence from foreign oil. Who can you thank for rising prices at the pump? [crowd is now heard chanting O Ba Ma while a picture of Obama appears on the screen]. Continuing, now with a picture of McCain on the screen..."One man knows we must now drill more in America and rescue our family budgets. Don't hope for more energy. Vote for it. McCain."
07/26/2008 - John McCain - Troops
Male narrator - this is an update to the previous Troop Funding ad released on 07/18/2008. In this ad, the narration has changed some because Obama had returned from a trip to Iraq.
"Barack Obama never held a single Senate hearing on Afghanistan. He hadn't been to Iraq in years. He voted against funding our troops. And now, he made time to go to the gyme, but cancelled a visit with wounded troops. Seems the pentagon wouldn't allow him to bring cameras. John McCain is always there for our troops. McCain. Country first. "
07/30/2008 - John McCain - Celeb

07/30/2008 - Barack Obama - Low Road
Female narrator - John McCain is practicing the politics of the past, his attacks on Barack Obama are false, same old politics, same failed policies (picture with George Bush), Barack Obama supports a $1000 tax cut for the middle class, an energy plan that takes on big oil and develops alternative fuels to break the grip of foreign oil. That's change we can believe in.
08/01/2008 - John McCain - Obama Forgot Latin America (web)
This ad replays parts of the speech Barack Obama gave in Berlin where he mentions a whole lot of countries and doesn't mention Latin America. The Spanish words interspersed with the pictures are asking why Obama has forgotten the Latinos of South America.
08/01/2008 - John McCain - The One (web)
Male narrator - this is the ad that mocks Obama. Its so disgusting I won't even write about it.
08/04/2008 - Barack Obama - Pocket
Male narrator - Oil companies had 143 billion in profits over the last year, big oil has given John McCain 2 million dollars in contributions, McCain did not support a windfall profits tax on oil companies, McCain wants to give oil companies 4 billion dollars of new tax breaks, (picture of George Bush and John McCain) "after one President in the pocket of big oil, we can't afford another". Barack Obama supports a windfall profits tax on big oil to give the middle class a $1000 energy rebate
08/05/2008 - John McCain - Broken
Male narrator - John McCain knows Washington is broken. He's the only one who's taken on big tobacco, drug companies, fought corruption in both parties. He'll reform Wall Street and battle big oil. "He Is the Original Maverick. One Is ready to lead. McCain."
08/06/2008 - John McCain - Family

08/06/2008 - Barack Obama - Original
Male narrator - questions whether John McCain is the real original maverick, shows 05/220/2003 FOXNews tape of McCain saying he voted with the President over 90% of the time, McCain supports Bush's tax cuts for millionaires, but nothing for 101 million middle class households, McCain supports 4 billion in new oil company giveaways, while gas prices soar. McCain supports tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas. "The original maverick? Or just more of the same?"
08/07/200/ - Barack Obama - Low Road Express
Female narrator - essentially the same ad as the "Low Road" ad.
08/07/2008 - Barack Obama - Hands
Male narrator: "The hands that built this nation can build a new economy. The hands that harvest crops can also harvest the wind. The hands that install roofs, can also install solar panels. The hands that built today's cars can build the next generation of fuel efficient vehicles. Barack Obama, a new vision for our economy. Fast track alternative fuels, create 5 million jobs creating home grown energy technologies. Because America's future is in our hands."

08/08/2008 - John McCain - Estas listo para Obama (spanish/radio)
08/08/2008 - John McCain - Recipe (radio)
08/08/2008 - John McCain - Painful

08/09/2008 - Barack Obama - Backyard (NV)
Female narrator - John McCain supports opening Yucca Mountain to receive nuclear waste (Senate Res 34, Vote 164, 7/9/07 [?]. But, not if its in Arizona. Taped piece from a show called Nevada Newsmakers in May 2007 in which McCain says he wouldn't be comfortable with nuclear waste coming through Arizona. Barack Obama opposes opening Yucca mountain.
08/10/2008 - Barack Obama - Embrace
Male narrator - John McCain has been a Washington celebrity for decades. "As Washington embraced him, John McCain hugged right back." Lobbyists are running his low road campaign, he supports billions in tax breaks for oil and drug companies, with nothing for regular families. "Lurching to the right, then the left; the old Washington dance, whatever it takes. A Washington celebrity playing the same old Washington games."
08/12/2008 - Barack Obama - Book
Male narrator - a 'book' on Economics by John McCain: support George Bush 95% of the time, keep spending 10 billion dollars a month for the war in Iraq while Iraqis sell oil for record prices and amass a 79 billion dollar surplus. Barack Obama's plan: End the war responsibly, better schools, no more tax breaks for oil companies, "Barack Obama - The Middle Class first"
08/12/2008 - Barack obama - Fat Cat
Barack Obama speaking - No PAC money. No Washington lobbyist money. A campaign powered by people, not the special interests. He'll work for you...not them
08/12/2008 - John McCain - Fan Club (web)

08/13/2008 - Barack Obama - Three Bedroom Ranch
Male narrator - Every building begins with a plan. Barack Obama's has a plan to build this economy; 1) grow the economy by putting hard working Americans to work and put the middle class ahead of corporate interests, 2) end tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas, 3) give tax breaks to businesses that create jobs over here, 4) invest in education, 5) $1000 tax cut for working families, and 6) make energy independence an urgent national priority.
08/12/2008 - Barack Obama - Fix the Economy
Taped pieces of John McCain talking about the economy interspersed with real people talking about their experience of the economy (which is more bleak than John McCain's).
John McCain's words are:
January 10, 2008 - "I don't believe we're headed into a recession."
April 17, 2008 - "There's been great progress economically."
January 30, 2008 - "We have had a pretty good prosperous time with low unemployment."
Final words on screen...How can John McCain fix the economy when he doesn't think its broken? 08/13/2008 - Barack Obama - Punch
Male narrator and voices of regular Ohio people. McCain helped pave the way for the takeover of DHL by a foreign shipping company. McCain's campaign manager was lead lobbyist for the deal. 8200 Ohio jobs are at risk. Vote for Change. Vote for Barack Obama.
08/15/2008 - John McCain - Tax Man

08/15/2008 - John McCain - ???

08/19/2008 - Barack Obama - Dangerous
Male narrator and regular Nevada people. John McCain says he's opposed to nuclear waste going through Arizona, but not Nevada. "If you don't want nuclear waste here [Nevada] then you don't want John McCain here [picture of White House]"
08/19/2008 - Barack Obama - Three Times
Male narrator - "Can we really afford more of the same? John McCain's tax plan for big corporations, 200 billion in new tax breaks; oil companies 4 billion. Companies shipping jobs overseas keep their tax giveaways while 100 million Americans get no tax relief at all. For the change we need - Barack Obama; a plan that cuts taxes for middle class families three times as much as John McCain would. Barack Obama. President. "

08/19/2008 - John McCain - Recipe (spanish/radio)
08/19/2008 - John McCain - millions (radio)

08/20/2008 - Barack Obama - Backyard
Same as the ad from 08/09/2008

08/21/2008 - John McCain - Housing Problem
08/22/2008 - John McCain - Higher
08/22/2008 - John McCain - Joe Biden on Barack Obama
08/22/2008 - John McCain - Passed Over
08/22/2008 - John McCain - Debra
08/26/2008 - John McCain - Tiny
08/27/2008 - John McCain - Remote Control (web)
08/28/2008 - John McCain - Convention Night
09/03/2008 - John McCain - Alaska Maverick
09/07/2008 - John McCain - Original Mavericks
09/09/2008 - John McCain - Lipstick
09/09/2008 - John McCain - Education
09/10/2008 - John McCain - Fact Check
09/11/2008 - John McCain - Disrespectful
09/12/2008 - John McCain - Which side are they on? (spanish)
09/12/2008 - John McCain - Stem Cell (radio)
09/12/2008 - John McCain - Symbols of Hope
09/15/2008 - John McCain - Crisis
09/16/2008 - John McCain - Enough is Enough
John McCain narrates -

09/16/2008 - John McCain - Foundation
John McCain talking to the camera - "You, the American workers, are the best in the world. But, your economic security has been put at risk by the greed of Wall Street. That's unacceptable. My opponent's only solutions are talk and taxes. I'll reform Wall Street and fix Washington. I've taken on tougher guys than this before." Female narrator - "Change is coming. John McCain.
09/16/2008 - Barack Obama - Plan For Change
Barack Obama speaking to the camera about economy. He describes the regular people's economic problems. "This isn't just a string of bad luck. The truth is that while you've been living up to your responsibilities, Washington has not. That's why we need change."
These are not ordinary times and this is no ordinary election. "But much of this campaign has been consumed by petty attacks and distractions that have nothing to do with you or how we get America back on track."
Barack Obama wants to: Reform our tax system to give $1000 tax break to the middle class, regulation on Wall Street, fast track a plan for energy made in America, crack down on lobbyists, bring a responsible end to the war in Iraq.
"Doing these things won't be easy, but we're Americans. We've met tough challenges before and we can again."
"I'm Barack Obama. I hope you'll read my economic plan. I approve this message because bitter partisan fights and outworn ideas of the left and the right won't solve the problems we face today. But, a new spirit of unity and shared responsibility will."

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