Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Republican National Convention - Here's a Problem

I thought it was only fair that I watch the Republican National Convention next week since I'm devoting so much time to the Democratic National Convention.
I want to be fair and get an overview of their strategy in the same way I'm getting a feel for the talking points of the Democratic party (voting for John McCain is voting for George Bush policies).
And yet, I'm watching Washington Journal this morning. A Republican state senator from Colorado (Mike Hopp?) is talking and I find the Republican line so repugnant I'm not sure I can.

Republicans like to say that all the troops deserve our honor and respect (which they've received in abundance from Democrats), and yet, a service person just called in to say that even though he had served his country in Iraq, he came out against the war and was called a traitor to the US, unpatriotic, and a danger to his troops. Now, who's doing that? Its not Democrats, who agree the war was a bad idea. Its Republicans. They talk a good game, but they're the first one to spew names and nastiness and dirty tricks. Then, when they're called out on it they act like a victim. Its sickening. And hypocritical. How can they not notice its hypocritical and feel ashamed? That makes me wonder about them.

I work around Republicans and I know they're not all that way (at least in mixed company), but even in the small company I work at, there are rabid Republicans; people whose tactics are not to be positive about their candidate, but negative about the opposition. Not just negative in the 'Don't vote for him' sense, but the kind of negative that twists words and creates lies and generates confusion and misinformation. Its sad. I wonder, if this is acceptable to them in a political debate, what is the rest of their life like?

The point is, I'm still going to try watching the Republicans, but it won't be easy.

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