Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Democratic National Convention - Day 2

I'm not as enthusiastic about watching the WHOLE thing today. I thought I did pretty good to watch it from start to finish yesterday. And, wouldn't it be a lot more of the same? P 2 the C. And, I discovered (duh!) the full schedule is available online. That's one of the reasons I was able to stay focused yesterday - 'cause I didn't know there was a schedule and I was writing it all out myself. I'm a ding dong, its true.

Anyway - I'll comment as I deem it necessary only.......

Thank you C-SPAN!

They're already four minutes late. Its 5:04 on the East Coast, 3:04 in Denver, and 2:04 in Los Angeles. (And its 5:04 am on Wednesday in Beijing, China)

The music has started...a little less dancing at this point during a Police song.
This must be the same band - they're playing Earth, Wind, and Fire again - Shining Star.
That's a good dancing song - the people are up and moving.
Hey - there's that guy from CBS Sunday Morning and the Jon Stewart show. He's dancing with the ladies! (I'll remember his name sometime)

Ahh...now the convention starts.
Shirley Franklin has a very nice flower on the lapel of her white pantsuit.
Cynthia Hale is giving the invocation. Again, quite Christian. I'm hoping that at least one of these days will have a prayer from a different religion. Her voice is quite soothing and dynamic, strong and confident.
Today I said the Pledge of Allegiance with enthusiasm and it was fine.
I'm not going to sing the anthem today. Gotta change things up, doncha know.

What was that quick - quick - quick rap video?
Oh - maybe it was meant to be an introduction to Eleanor Holmes Norton

I wonder if the day will ever come when DC gets to have full voting rights? Its a little curious that Eleanor Holmes Norton has had to give this speech year after year after year after year. I don't know why the Senators don't vote for the DC Voting Rights Act.

Another link to the Kennedy administration. Ted Sorenson was a speechwriter of Kennedy. This seems to be a big theme for the convention. He ended with a little rhyme. Cool.

I like the Indian community. Its a shame there are still so many problems for them.

Linda Sanchez - good for her - go unions.

Governor Chet Colver - he has some strength in his voice.

Governor of New York...how satisfying must it be to stand as Governor of New York at the Democratic convention and talk about the guy who didn't hire you because you're blind. We'd all like to be in that position - except the blind part of course.
Here's a great line: "If he's [John McCain] the answer, the question must be ridiculous!"
And, instead of four more years, "Let's give them four more months" HA!

Memorial to Democrats who have died in the last four years...
This is better than the memorial they do at the Oscars and the Emmys when people get cheered for over the picture and some people get no cheer at all because they're older and people in the audience don't remember them. Its so disrespectful to do that.
I don't know if C-SPAN is making it so I can't hear the audience, but this is much better anyway.

Check on CNN and Fox
CNN is on commercial and FOX is also on commercial.
Sigh. Very sad.

Okay - this guy is talking a little too long....I missed his name, but he's going on a bit longer than other people have. Even Patrick Leahy was short.
Rep Chris Van Hollen of Maryland Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

Planned parenthood action fund - Cecile Richards (daughter of Ann Richards, former governor of Texas) effective speech - good job. McCain is against women's reproductive rights.

Dennis Kucinich - Ohio
Wow - where was all this passion when he was running for office? I never saw this much animation from him before. Is that because I wasn't looking, or is he different now than I've seen him before?
I'd be standing up and clapping at this too.

Senate women - and things the Democrats will highlight:
Barbara Mikulski - Maryland - when the camera is straight on, her mouth is almost obscured by the microphone. Its kind of funny. In fact, it looks like C-SPAN is going to avoid that camera angle.
Equal Pay for Equal Work
Barbara Boxer - California - She looks different than when she's asking questions in a senate committee room with glasses on.
Protect Our Environment
Mary Landrieu - Louisiana
Prepare for future disasters
Blanche Lincoln - Arkansas -
Make Healthcare affordable
Debbie Stabenow - Michigan
Keep Jobs in America
Maria Cantwell in Washington
Make America Energy Independent
Claire McCaskill - Missouri
Enforce Fiscal Accountability
Amy Klobuchar - Minnesota
Protect the Family Checkbook

Hey - where's Patty Murray?

Cool picture of the Senate ladies with Barack Obama


I can't believe the normal people they're highlighting have the guts to stand up in front of this crowd. Not that they're a tough crowd, I just can't believe I'd have the nerve - I'd be sick to my stomach so bad I couldn't stand it. That's why I don't do that kind of stuff.


Good line from Rahm Emmanuel about Bush being good at inheriting things.


I really hope Barack Obama has a speech that creates new images. I've been listening to him for a long time and I've heard some really great lines; things that inspired me and helped me see a twist on a view. But, now I've heard them. And heard them. I want new stuff. I hope they come up with it.

The panoramic photo thing was kinda humorous. The people were very quiet when she said "We're taking the photo right now." Then they started chanting so that's good. Anyway - it was kind of funny.


Here's an idea I like...the Democratic party should have had a tribute to John McCain. A serious tribute to his time as a POW. Make it real, make it sincere and leave it there. But, then, say that we won't keep talking about it anymore. If he needs more reassurance that the Democratic party is respectful of his service then its a reflection on his neediness. Of course, don't say it quite that mean. But, really - wouldn't it shut all the haters up for a moment or two?

And maybe even go further and talk about some of the things we do like about him - he probably loves his kids and is kind to his mother or something like that. Give him all kinds of respect as a human being. And for the rest of the campaign, talk only about his policies.

That sounds refreshing. The haters would have to acknowledge that the party has given him respect. Wouldn't they HAVE to talk about the issues?

I know the Karl Rove crowd is so obnoxious and filled with hate that they might take a swing at the man who's done nothing to them - but wouldn't it look bad? To normal people?


Okay - phony town hall meeting again. I'm just not even going to listen this time. It was too awkward yesterday and it makes me uncomfortable. And, let me make it clear - these people probably have good hearts and intentions. It just didn't seem like a real town hall. It would have been funnier if they did play it like a phoney infomercial.

Have they ever thought about doing skits or something? Politics is serious and these issues matter in a life and death way for a lot of people, but maybe there'd be a way to talk about things in a funny way? Not like the Jon Stewart show, more like a summer camp thing or something. I don't know - it would make people want to watch, I think.


Gloria Craven - I didn't know people still had accents this strong!. Its Fan Tas Tic! :)
I like her. She had a twinkle in her eye while she talked.


Nancy Floyd is talking about renewable energy and investing in new companies developing alternative energy. This is pretty important and I wish people were listening better. She's from a company called Nth Power.


Kathleen Sebelius - Kansas Governor
I understand she was on the short list for VP? She's not exciting me. She's a bit blah. I don't know about her policies though.


Something has happened to the energy in the Pepsi Center...its gone. The people seem to be more restless than yesterday at this time. Its louder than earlier because more people are showing up. Earlier today there was more applause when a speaker mentioned Barack Obama than there is now even though there are more people in the crowd now than there were. Is it because its the after dinner time? I don't know. But, the former Denver Colorado mayor is having to wade through a thick slog of talking while he's talking. Its a little irritating.


Lily Ledbetter is the plaintiff in the equal pay case from the most recent Supreme Court session. The one where they said she should have filed suit six months after the first time she was paid less than the men. Of course, there's no way she could have known at that time. The Congress tried to pass a bill that made it so that wouldn't happen again, but in the Senate, the Republicans didn't go for it. It's proof that George Bush and his Supreme Court and the Republican crazies have moved us into the Twilight Zone. Irritating.


The band is playing "I'm So Excited" and the people love it! They're dancing a lot right now. I wonder if they know they'll get on TV if they dance?


Okay - Keynote address by Former VA Governor (and future Senator) Mark Warner.

His biggest gripe about Bush...that he "never tapped into our greatest resource - the character and resolve of the American people" after 9/11. If we had been asked to curtail our use of gas/oil so we're not paying money to the people who fund terrorists, every American would have done what they could. Bush told us to act normal - keep consuming.

"If we choose the right path - every one of these challenges is an opportunity"

"this election is...not about liberal vs conservative, its about the future versus the past"

"in the global economy you shouldn't have to leave your home town to find a world class job"

hmm...good speech. My first introdution to him. I like his point of view.


Ohio Governor - Ted Strickland - waiting for his speech to come up on the teleprompter.
Again, lots of chatter in the background. And yet, they must be listening because they know to boo at the right time. But, right now, this speech is not as dynamic as the previous speaker. And too bad Dennis Kucinich went so much earlier. Now THAT was a speech!

Deval Patrick - Governor of Massachusetts
(I didn't listen - I was reading some stuff on Huffington Post about the Hillary supporters who say they're going to vote for McCain. Now, this really bugs me. I do believe they're probably Republicans or something who are trying to stir up trouble. And yet, I have a coworker who doesn't like Obama {for an undefinable reason} and supported Hillary during the primaries - while at the same time admitting she hadn't started to pay attention yet anyway. Because of her intense dislike of Obama, she is considering voting for John McCain. So, I know there are people who think like that. Given that my coworker has always been sensitive to feminist causes {I don't know if she'd go so far as to call herself a feminist though} I don't understand why voting for McCain would even be an option. McCain has committed to the prolife cause and appointing conservative justices to the Supreme Court. Why would any person who was willing to vote for Hillary Clinton even think its reasonable to vote for John McCain?
There's more to this story than meets the eye. Could it be the Republicans? Or, are a lot of people racist? It just makes no sense.)

I missed the name of the guy who just fired up the crowd before Hillary Clinton.


A film about Hillary - narrated by Chelsea

Awww...well, I like Ms Hillary. This is a nice film. If only she'd had a better campaign staff, this might be her convention. And I would have been just as proud of her as I am of Barack Obama.

Dramatic music in the film. Its kind of emotional.


Chelsea - She's going to introduce her mom. She looks good. Remember how mean some people were to her when she was a kid in the White House? She sure has showed them!

Orange pantsuit pops agains the blue background. She looks dynamic.

"whether you voted for me or you voted for Barack, the time is now to unite as a single party with a single pupose. We are on the same team. And none of us can afford to sit on the sidelines. This is a fight for the future and this is a fight we must win together."

She hasn't worked hard for the last 35 years to suffer through 4 more years of the same -
"no way, no how, no McCain."

Its really clear who she's talking to. She's practically ordering her stubborn supporters to vote for Barack Obama.

I think Bill is gonna cry.

You know, she looks better today than she did during the campaign. I wonder if its just that orange pantsuit is really looking good on her. Isn't orange normally a hard color to wear? Well, it looks good tonight. I like her haircut.

She sounds strong and clear and articulate.

"Were you in this campaign just for me or were you in it for that young marine and others like him? Were you in it for that young mother struggling with cancer? ... Were you in it for all the people in this country who feel invisible?"

I don't know how she could be expected to do more than that - it seems pretty definitive. If anybody says they're a Hillary supporter who will now vote for McCain, they're a liar - they never were going to vote for Clinton or they aren't going to vote for McCain. And if it turns out that they're voting for McCain over Obama they'll have to find another excuse - supporting Hillary as an excuse is now off the table.

I do wish she'd stop saying she's John McCain's friend. Why does she have to make a point of saying that? I'd like to believe she's just being polite, but she said that in the primary, and Bill acted like he'd rather see John McCain as president than Obama (or something similar). Maybe that's why the Hillary supporters are choosing to vote for McCain? Oh screw it. I like Hillary and I think the ins and outs and intrigue of behind the scenes politics that I can't possibly have any information about is just a bunch of hoo-haw. So, I'll believe the best of Hillary.

"My mother was born before women had the right to vote, my daugher was able to vote for her mother for president"

"If you hear the dogs, Keep Going, if you see the torches in the forest, Keep Going" - very rousing!

She gave her all to this speech and she delivered it well - great even. She looks calm and relaxed and like she's not even reading a teleprompter.

Hmmm...the applause didn't last as long as I would have expected considering it was Hillary Clinton.


Closing Benediction. "God of..." new creation, justice, hope, etc...that is kind of nice. "This we pray in the name of the one who is life eternal". That was a nice ending.

End of Night 2 - hey Shirley Franklin has the same flower lapel she had at the beignning of the day. It didn't look as fresh.


I'm done. I'll check to see what CNN and FOX are saying.
CNN has mentioned twice already - people are asking why he didn't pick her to be the VP. I've only been listening for less than a minute and two different CNN people said it - once as a question to someone, and Campbell Brown acknowledging that could be what people out here in the real world might be asking. Yuck. Why are you creating trouble where none exists.

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