Wednesday, October 30, 2024

This Blog Endorses Kamala Harris for President of the United States of America

 Since the Washington Post won't do it, and The Los Angeles Times won't do it, and USA Today won't do it, and the Tampa Bay Times won't do it (among others).  I will do it. 

Official portrait, 2021


Why? Because she aligns with my view of the role of government in the USA. I believe government's role is to create a vibrant active environment for all - ALL OF US - to thrive and realize our greatest potential. That includes Safety, Housing, Nourishment, Education, and Health Care. My values are equity and justice for all. I think many people achieve this in the normal course of their lives. But, for many other people the past behaviors and present prejudices of people in power create negative environments. The government's role is to help redress those imbalances via the Power of the People.  Not the power of money and influence and threats - but the Power of the PEOPLE. 

The government has this power to stand up to big money, big influence, and big bullies by the very nature of its size - because it represents the multitude of people in this country who don't necessarily have money, influence, or power (though the nature of democracy is that the people who do have power get to vote too). 

Am I alone going to be able to stand up to the corporation that's polluting my river? No. But, the government will represent all of us along the river and the corporation that's polluting will be required to stop. 

Am I alone able to make sure my food sources are safe to eat? No. But the government will represent all of us who are dependent on third party food manufacturers to make sure our food is safe to eat.

Am I alone going to stop invading forces from broaching my home? No. But the government will protect my property against all intruders, foreign and domestic.

The government isn't someone else - it's all of us. It's regular folks - some who want to work, and others who have expertise to iofer. Do I have time to test my water safety, police the neighborhood, design a road system, install sewers? No. We are a united group that divides the labor to benefit all of us. That is government. 

Kamala Harris supports that idea of government. Donald Trump does not.

Listen, the truth is Donald Trump has said racist and belittling things about people. How anyone can get past that is beyond me. If he'll say it about 'them' he'll say it about 'you' if it suits his purpose. 

In this campaign, he's made clear he would move from just speaking badly about people. and he'd misuse the power of the government to force changes in how we live day to day.

Donald Trump uses fear and threats to scare people. He exploits people's naturally good natures to get what he wants for himself. He's a prideful, vengeful person. I guess people must think that he'll be prideful and vengeful on their behalf, so they're willing to overlook all his negative qualities. 

I believe, for the most part, us regular folks want basically the same thing...we just want to live in peace. The 'division' is about how we go about creating peace in a society as large and varied as the United States of America. 

Trump wants to create peace by sowing doubt, mistrust, and fear. 

Kamala Harris wants to create peace by sowing hope, kindness, and tolerance.

In this election that's the choice. 


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