Saturday, October 10, 2020

Today is...






Update: What's on my mind?

1. Too much information I don't know how to organize or use. (current events, social science ideas, etc)

2. Technology is nearly beyond me. I want to use it to help me organize information but I'm frequently bamboozled.  (OneNote, Google Chrome Bookmarks, using Microsoft, Google, Apple together)

3. Thinking about WHY I feel the need to save information when I never use it.

    a. A form of procrastination to avoid a deep dive on individual ideas or topics - which requires focus and effort.

    b. A form of anxiety about what I'll miss if I don't know everything. I want to know everything because I'm trying to keep up with the smart people I read, listen to, or watch.

    c. My underlying belief that I can find the ONE TRUE ANSWER if only I have the right information arranged in the right way that will make the answer obvious to me.  I can't have a 'correct' opinion if I don't have all the facts. 

Note: there's no such thing as a 'correct' opinion.  I want to be satisfied with an opinion I can reasonably back up. If I try to have a 'correct' opinion I can't change my opinion when new information is available.

    *I gather books, movies, television shows, and music because I imagine one day I might not have money to purchase them, or the internet will shut down (solar flares?), or books/ideas will be banned, or...?

4. Donald Trump is STILL the worst president in the history of the United States.  How many different ways can he show that he is?  He keeps working on it, that's for sure.


My current understanding is that the only things separating me from the 'smart' people I read, listen to, or watch is Focus, Motivation, and Effort.

Maybe there's some 'brain physiology' I don't have, but if that's the case there's nothing I can do about it and it won't hurt to try increasing my focus and effort while clarifying my motivation.  

And that's what I'm thinking about this morning!

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