Thursday, December 31, 2020

Thank you 2020, Hello 2021

The last twelve months had lots of challenges for the country - impeachment, election, racial justice protests, wildfires, hurricanes, and coronavirus. The fragility of our government and the partisanship of the people who live here have been laid bare.  We are not United. We have work to do.  

Individually we don't have the capacity to process all the information we need to make good decisions and adequately address all the crises facing us today.  They're big questions about huge ideas: freedom, democracy, ethics, and justice (as a start).  What is the relationship between people and government? Who are citizens? How is power attained and who serves the powerful? Do we serve power by choice? What 'rules' do we follow by choice and by habit, and do those 'rules' serve us?  Do they serve me?  Everyone makes individual choices about the society they want to live in. How does our government reflect my societal values and my personal values?  How are resources allocated?  Is planet Earth our partner or do we plunder it's resources without care?  How can we live in harmony?

Each of those questions is reflected through our lives and how we choose to live them.

Once we've thought about those questions the next step is to put the ideas into action.  

The last year has given us a lot of opportunity to make the world a better place!!!!

On a personal note it looks like I skipped coming up with a theme for 2020.  Maybe I had an inkling that anything I planned would come to naught.

I completed two classes for my UW degree.  Political Ecology of the World Food System was shocking and eye-opening.  Neoliberalism and globalization have done so much more than I ever imagined.  I have been living under a veil giving me a warped view of how the world works.  The difficult part is that I did know and I still didn't get it!  I took off summer and fall quarters because I was overwhelmed with news of the day in addition to the subject matter of the classes for my UW-ISS degree.

My favorite teacher left the UW.  I'm still disappointed and sad about it. I valued him highly and I wish they did too.

Personally I was most affected by the events around racial justice when, in quick succession there were three events that opened everyone's eyes: George Floyd - killed by a police officer, Ahmed Arbery - killed by vigilantes, and Christian Cooper - false assault accusation by a white woman.  And then it kept on happening...Breonna Taylor and Jacob Blake to name two. 

In 2020 I discovered that my thyroid stopped working - or needs help to keep working.  So I take a pill every morning.  I mention it because I'm surprised that I've managed to do it.  Last year I would have bet I couldn't do anything every day for a month, let alone the rest of my life.  Now I've done it for four months and if I can do that - what else can I do every day?  What other good habits might I create for myself?  I did it by creating an action - when I brush my teeth at night I move the pills to the front of the sink so I can't help but notice in the morning. 

Normally I enjoy the solitude of my life but this year the isolation made it clear that I don't have people in my life that provide day to day interaction.  I've always known I wanted a Number One and didn't have one, but this year I realized how important it is.  

A benefit of 2020 was that many events that are normally held in person were virtual and I got to watch: New Yorker Festival, The Atlantic Festival, ACLU conversations, KUOW conversations, Hamilton, and I just watched a filmed version of Kinky Boots (West End).  Fabulous opportunities I'm grateful for. 

The events of this year brought sorrow and fear to many people.  I wish we could hug each other. 

I'm grateful for all the people who were brave and helped keep our country running throughout this pandemic - healthcare workers, grocery store workers, construction people, the government workers, the people who keep electricity running and thousands - millions - of others.  Too many people lost their lives this year and it makes all these essential people's efforts more courageous.  My contribution was that I didn't create unnecessary burden - I kept myself in my home and wore my mask. (I should have done more - there was more to be done. I am not brave. It is my shame.)

Thank you 2020, for opening my eyes, for challenging me, and for giving me time and space to know myself better.

Hello 2021!!!

For 2021, I have a theme based on two things I noticed in 2020:

1. I freely express my feelings for other people with words.  I tell people how much they mean to me and share my gratitude for knowing them.  At some point, though, words without action mean nothing. 

Side-note: That's why folks respond negatively to NRA funded politicians sending their 'thoughts and prayers' to the victims of gun violence, for instance. The politicians have power to make change, but all they do is send 'thoughts and prayers'.  If they really had thoughts and prayers they'd do something to make it stop...they don't.

I realize I don't show people how much they mean to me by my actions. I am inspired by MFKJ who created a quilt for me for my birthday. I am inspired by MSL who put together a family gathering at a park for my birthday in 2019. I am inspired by MFTM who cooked a bunch of food for LJB and put it in his freezer for him.  (I don't want to be too hard on myself - I have shown love to my friends and family in various ways - homemade cards, going to events with them, getting together.  I'm not consistent though, and it doesn't nearly express how much they mean to me.)

Years ago I wrote a little 'picture book' for myself of what my philosophy of life is.  In that description I mention that love doesn't mean anything if its not expressed.  The Big Bang was the ultimate expression of love energy exploding out into the universe. Expressing love through our interactions with each other and our creativity is our primary purpose in life.  LIFE comes alive through our actions and expressions of Love - which is our essence.  Eckhart Tolle says "Life is the Dancer, You are the Dance."  

2. I have difficulty with effort - if something requires effort I'm less likely to do it.  It's a problem. I don't do as well in my schooling, my work, or my personal life because I retreat from effort. I know my lack of effort is my way to avoid difficult things or things I'm afraid of. I also know that if I give effort I am showing love to myself - allowing myself to be the person the universe wants me to be.  If I show effort (without fear!) I can more fully express my best and highest self.

Combining those two ideas, I came up with my theme...My Effort is My Love. Every bit of effort I make is an expression of my love - for myself, other people, the planet, and the love energy of the universe - which is all of us.

At the end of 2021 I expect I'll have earned my bachelor's degree from the UW.  I hope that on 12/31/2021 I'll feel proud of how I've expressed love to myself and others in the previous 12 months. I'm creating an organization system and routines to help me stay informed without being overwhelmed. I want to be more aware and intentional in prioritizing how I use my time.  I have lots of work to do and I'm eager to make the effort!

I wish all of you moments of love, peace, and health in 2021.  I wish for everyone that you have a safe place to live, food that keeps you healthy, and equal opportunity for education and health care. The world isn't perfect yet, but I will do my best to help make it so. 

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Happy Days Are Here Again!


President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris
(I can't figure out who or where this came from, but a version of it is on the Biden Victory Fund website)

Not the final results; from CNN as of 11:21 PST, Nov 7

This headline is from earlier in the morning


Statement by President-elect Joe Biden on Saturday’s election results:

“I am honored and humbled by the trust the American people have placed in me and in Vice President-elect Harris.

In the face of unprecedented obstacles, a record number of Americans voted. Proving once again, that democracy beats deep in the heart of America.

With the campaign over, it’s time to put the anger and the harsh rhetoric behind us and come together as a nation.

It’s time for America to unite. And to heal.

We are the United States of America. And there’s nothing we can’t do, if we do it together.”

Statement from President Trump:


Text of a statement from President Donald Trump on the election result:

“We all know why Joe Biden is rushing to falsely pose as the winner, and why his media allies are trying so hard to help him: they don’t want the truth to be exposed. The simple fact is this election is far from over. Joe Biden has not been certified as the winner of any states, let alone any of the highly contested states headed for mandatory recounts, or states where our campaign has valid and legitimate legal challenges that could determine the ultimate victor. In Pennsylvania, for example, our legal observers were not permitted meaningful access to watch the counting process. Legal votes decide who is president, not the news media.

“Beginning Monday, our campaign will start prosecuting our case in court to ensure election laws are fully upheld and the rightful winner is seated. The American People are entitled to an honest election: that means counting all legal ballots, and not counting any illegal ballots. This is the only way to ensure the public has full confidence in our election. It remains shocking that the Biden campaign refuses to agree with this basic principle and wants ballots counted even if they are fraudulent, manufactured, or cast by ineligible or deceased voters. Only a party engaged in wrongdoing would unlawfully keep observers out of the count room – and then fight in court to block their access.

“So what is Biden hiding? I will not rest until the American People have the honest vote count they deserve and that Democracy demands.”

The statement was issued while Trump was golfing at his club in Virginia.

This election showed us just who we are as a nation — and it’s not very pretty | Opinion


Saturday, October 31, 2020

I can't get past this...


President Donald Trump walks with judge Amy Coney Barrett in the Rose Garden at the White House.
AP Photo/Alex Brandon



Then, today...this - 

Our judiciary has been overrun by Trump appointees (via The Federalist Society).

There isn't anything to be done.  The current Supreme Court is nine justices, six of whom are extreme right wing, and three liberals.  There nothing Congress or the people can do.  Even if one of the justices becomes a swing vote, there will still be five conservatives.  

Three of the justices were legally appointed by a Republican president guided by the Federalist Society. But, President Trump won the electoral college, not the popular vote. His "mandate" comes from a minority of the country's population.  Within the minority of people who voted for him, I suspect the number of people who would agree with the conservative, originalist views of the new Supreme Court is even less.

Mitch McConnell used his power like a bully. 
He didn't/doesn't care about what's good or best for the country.
He denied the Obama administration any opportunity to put forward their own judicial nominee when Scalia died.  Rather than admitting he was a bully, he pretended it was because the opening came within one year of an election.
When Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies he added a caveat to that reasoning - it's only applicable when the Senate and the President are not the same party.  When they are the same party - you can nominate, hold a hearing, and approve a new justice to the Supreme Court less than two weeks before an election.

People were overcome with how much they disliked Hillary Clinton and ignored the big red flag that Mitch McConnell waved in front of their faces.

These days we blame Mitch McConnell - and Donald Trump - for 'breaking' the norms of governing.
We should blame ourselves.  We're the ones who didn't understand the threat of Mitch McConnell + Donald Trump.

Even though the end of the election is still three days away (or would it be four? Today is Saturday and the election is Tuesday.) I feel like the whole thing is lost already.  

Joe Biden may win on November 3 (I hope he does!!!!) but the problem persists.  

My first thought was that if this is what Republicans want, then fine.  We'll make laws at the state, county, and municipal level. They don't like a big federal government?  Great, we'll stop participating.  

I'm not so sure, though, that even reasonable laws a state or local government would put in place regarding human rights, gun violence, climate change, and social justice wouldn't be struck down by the Supreme Court as unconstitutional.  

There are enough people emboldened by Trump and his tactics who will bring suits against the states or municipalities on behalf of Trump's ideological and partisan positions.  They will claim the law takes away their personal freedom or their religious freedom.  
The new Supreme Court, I imagine, will agree.
Even though a reasonable thinking person might find their arguments ideological and partisan rather than wise, studied, and logical, it wouldn't matter because they have at least 5 votes on the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is the law of the land and if I believe the rule of law is a defining feature of successful democracies, I have to go along with what the Supreme Court rules. I can say it's wrong all day, every day, and it doesn't look like I'd have any recourse whatsoever.

The election is the recourse.  Right?
This election doesn't do anything to take away those justices on the Supreme Court or the lifetime Federal judge appointments.  

Not only that, but Donald Trump has been doing everything he can in the last year to make sure his followers believe that if Donald Trump loses it's because the election is rigged.  
He's said numerous times at his rallies that they (meaning Republicans) have many lawsuits already making their way through the courts about voting and voting rights in many states.

One of the reasons he said we needed to nominate and install a new judge to the Supreme Court before the election was so there's no possibility of a tie if the election goes to the Supreme Court.

If Trump wins...I can't imagine what will happen.  I suspect people will be out in the streets.
I'm not sure what the goal would be.
This is how badly Donald Trump has 'broken' America...we can't believe in the integrity of the government AND want the election results overturned.  
I suppose the Biden camp starts some lawsuits of their own?
How well will that go with the judiciary 'packed' with Trump appointees.  

Normally, I wouldn't assume that because a Republican appointed a judge - at whatever level - they would definitely side with the Republican. 
But Trump demands loyalty and the people he selects to work with him and the ones he nominates to be on the federal bench, I believe, will be loyal to him.  

If Trump wins and that's just the way it ends up - I can't imagine how people will move forward from now until 2024.  More chaos, more lies, more 'figure it out for yourself'.  I guess people will retreat a little because it will feel helpless.  I think I will.  People will still be in need, though.  Trump policies will continue to hurt poor, nonwhite, 'others' disproportionately. I hope I'll find a way to be helpful and make a small difference to one or another person.

If Biden wins?  First of all, Trump won't allow that to be a settled question.  He'll take every vote to court.  How long will it last?  And what will he do between the election and inauguration day?  He'll destroy whatever he can. 
His supporters will take up arms.  

In their mind, they're saving 'America' as they know it. I know this is true because my Mother believes what she hears on Fox News...that Joe Biden will turn the country Socialist.  Joe Biden has been taken over by Socialist people like Sanders.  In that narrative, this election is existential for 'them' too. So of course they'll take up arms.  

And then what?
And then what?

What if Biden wins, but Republicans still control the Senate?  Continued inaction similar to Obama's last six years.  Biden will have to govern by Executive Order.
We go back to the idea that our only recourse is locally - at the state, county, or city level.

One thing I am sure of as we approach election day is that I'll never be free from Donald Trump.  Even out of office, he'll get people to pay attention to him and he'll be hurling insults and telling everyone how great he is.  It will be unbearable.  When he can't do it anymore, his sons will lionize him constantly.  And his daughter...Trump said at a rally the other day that she's happy being a homemaker.  Ugh.  That's after he assured suburban women he will get their husband's jobs back.  Yeah - Make America Great Again, alright...1950's great - where everyone knew their 'place'.  
Donald Trump is bad.  Real bad. 
And now he has a Supreme Court backing him up.

It feels like the takeover already happened.  I come full-circle back the beginning of this long post.

Hey - maybe none of this will happen and I'm being as alarmist as I think my Mother is about a socialist President Biden.

I'll be honest, though - I don't have a problem with the government - all of us, via our taxes - providing education, healthcare, safe and affordable housing, and nutritious food to all people. 
We already provide free education for K-12 and Medicare/Social Security for older citizens, we pay for police, roads, utilities, firemen, government administrators, libraries, and tax breaks for corporations, etc.  I'm not sure what makes the other stuff 'socialist' and not those things.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

A couple videos

Isn't it lovely that other people are creative and want to share their truths?  I think so.

Here are two videos I find valuable when I feel frustration, disappointment, judgement, impatience, or anger at other people.

This first one is new to me.  There's a saying about being gentle with other people because you don't know what burdens they carry.  This video is a good illustration of the idea via a whole new word!

John Koenig coined the word Sonder in his Dictionary of Obscure Sorrow website (which it appears will soon become a book!). 

I heard about Sonder from a TikTok video by @kevinktqiu.  Hey - that's how things happen these days!  (Do I know how to link to the original TikTok video?  No.  No I do not.)

This video is 02:38 minutes.

And this video...this next one is really profound to me.  
It's an animated interpretation of a story by Andy Weir called The Egg.  The animation comes from Kurzegsadt studio.  According to their website "We are an animation studio and a design agency. We create unique explanatory videos. But we also offer many graphic design services"  They have a YouTube channel:  Kurzegsadt - In a Nutshell
Now that the introductions are over - here's the video (07:54):

It's important that in this life I forgive everyone because in another life I will BE everyone.  
This concept allows me to imagine myself AS everyone and I feel myself in their lives living it - doing the best they can with where they are.
The person who today, in this life, looks to me like they have hate in their day that will be me and I'll understand what brought them to that point.  
As I think about that person now and forgive them this moment, a loving energy is sent out into the universe. They'll feel it in their heart because we are the same. Maybe there will be less hate in their heart - because it's my heart, and I have less hate in mine. 

The more I remember these ideas, the happier I'll be in this life.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

One Week

It's One Week before the 2020 election. These are the first news items (the ones before the weather and drive time reports) from the 4:30 am KIRO Morning News:

  • 1.     Protests continue through the night in Seattle near Broadway and Pine.  Yesterday, in Philadelphia, another police shooting when Walter Wallace, Jr wouldn’t put down his knife.
  • 2.    Amy Coney Barret is sworn in as the newest Supreme Court Justice
  • 3.     Election 2020 campaign stops for Trump (Michigan, Wisconsin, Nebraska) and Biden (Georgia). Ballot returns in Washington (2,2 million have already been returned statewide). Assurances from Secretary of State Kim Wyman that ballots are secure (the counting machines are not connected to the internet)
  • 4.      Coronavirus in Washington – new cases yesterday 587, 25 deaths.  New cases per 100,000 in a two week period are 111.2.  Goal is 25.
  • 5.      Seattle City Council approved a stop gap measure to fund an 8 person team to coordinate outreach efforts for the homeless (after council previously approved measures to defund police). The first affordable high rise in Seattle for 50 years broke ground yesterday.  The 17 floor tower on First Hill will house low-income families and homeless seniors.

I started to write some thoughts on these topics, but I realize - once again - that I can't write them succinctly or with clarity. I'll try again with brief comments: 
1. In police encounters, Black people are more likely to be shot and killed than white people in the same circumstance.  Incomprehensible. All these years I accepted and believed it was true, but didn't understand the depths and layers of individual and systemic racism until starting my UW ISS classes.  The murder of George Floyd this year and the writing and information that came out afterward made it clear that I have more to learn.  I THINK I've learned it now...but I thought that before.  I'm open to figuring it out.     
2. Feeling powerless to stop the religious right takeover of the Supreme Court.  I wish people understood what we'll be losing when they didn't vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016. We were steamrolled after that.  I support adding more Justices to the Supreme Court.
3. I worry this is the calm before the storm.  I dropped my ballot off on 10/17/2020.  I confirmed on the County website that my ballot was accepted. I am hopeful that Biden will win. Like most other people, though, I know Trump could win.  It's all the stuff after November 4 that sounds scary.  We've been setup by Trump for a rocky time after the election if he doesn't win.  I'm afraid it will be rocky even if Trump wins.  Who's United States will I be living in if that happens?  Not the one I thought I was in, that's for sure. Also - what good is a Biden win if the Senate is still in the hands of Mitch McConnell?  We have to win the Senate and the House and the Presidency.  That's what the Republicans have led this country to...nobody can compromise (Newt Gingrich's Contract with America, Tea Party).  It's not healthy. Yup - this is the calm before the storm.
4. Coronavirus is confusing - what's the right level of caution? I'm erring on the side of extreme caution. It feels excessive.  But, I don't want to get it.  I don't want to get the flu either.  
5. Does anyone know how to solve homelessness?  The immediate concern is to get people into a safe space.  But, then we have to start looking at how and why people don't have homes.  Mental Health, Drugs, Income Inequality.  Overwhelming.  

That's the state of things one week before the election.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Jen Sorensen explains the GOP EndGame...

A link to Jen Sorensen's website

FYI - I saw the first comic via The Nib newsletter.  The second one I saw on Jen's website.

I wish I could express ideas and emotions so concisely!!

From Jen's website:   As you may have heard, the Court was split 4-4 yesterday in a ruling that allowed Pennsylvania to count ballots that arrive up to three days after election day, as the state Supreme Court had ruled. This was, apparently, a Constitutional no-brainer that should have been 8-0 in favor of democracy, but four right-wing justices took a radical turn. With Barrett on the court, these election rulings will almost certainly favor Republicans.

This LA Times editorial has more on the fake ballot boxes in California.

Here's another of Jen's comics I discovered I like:

From Jen's website:  Suddenly much of traditional media seems preoccupied with the idea that Democrats might consider “packing” the Supreme Court. This particular phrasing is ahistorical and completely misleading. It ignores the years of scorched-earth Republican obstruction to Obama’s judicial nominees, including the refusal to give Merrick Garland a hearing, followed by unbridled court-packing under the Trump administration, in which the judiciary has been stuffed with unqualified cronies and Federalist Society nutjobs.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Today is...






Update: What's on my mind?

1. Too much information I don't know how to organize or use. (current events, social science ideas, etc)

2. Technology is nearly beyond me. I want to use it to help me organize information but I'm frequently bamboozled.  (OneNote, Google Chrome Bookmarks, using Microsoft, Google, Apple together)

3. Thinking about WHY I feel the need to save information when I never use it.

    a. A form of procrastination to avoid a deep dive on individual ideas or topics - which requires focus and effort.

    b. A form of anxiety about what I'll miss if I don't know everything. I want to know everything because I'm trying to keep up with the smart people I read, listen to, or watch.

    c. My underlying belief that I can find the ONE TRUE ANSWER if only I have the right information arranged in the right way that will make the answer obvious to me.  I can't have a 'correct' opinion if I don't have all the facts. 

Note: there's no such thing as a 'correct' opinion.  I want to be satisfied with an opinion I can reasonably back up. If I try to have a 'correct' opinion I can't change my opinion when new information is available.

    *I gather books, movies, television shows, and music because I imagine one day I might not have money to purchase them, or the internet will shut down (solar flares?), or books/ideas will be banned, or...?

4. Donald Trump is STILL the worst president in the history of the United States.  How many different ways can he show that he is?  He keeps working on it, that's for sure.


My current understanding is that the only things separating me from the 'smart' people I read, listen to, or watch is Focus, Motivation, and Effort.

Maybe there's some 'brain physiology' I don't have, but if that's the case there's nothing I can do about it and it won't hurt to try increasing my focus and effort while clarifying my motivation.  

And that's what I'm thinking about this morning!

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Down in the dump...about Trump

This is from an email to a friend that I’m not going to send because it’s a downer:

In an email thread with my Salon Gals (the Portland crew) I was able to pass on some of our hopefulness (a clarion call to action from the universe). By this morning however, I have been in a bad mood about it all day.

I read an article today about the Russians and how their newscasts and analyst/pundits are suggesting the US election will lead to civil war. And of course, I believe the Russians would side with Trump. It sounds outrageous...and completely possible. (

The other day I thought Trump would want to hold off and nominate a person after the election - as a way to entice them to vote for him. But today, on the South Lawn as he was heading off to another crowded rally, Trump implied he wanted to get it all taken care of before the election because we need a 9 person SCOTUS when he contests the election results. What he really means is that he’ll have 6 conservative judges to back him up. (Because justice is about friendship and transactional relationships, right?)

The bottom line is that there’s nothing we can do...the court will be ultra conservative...everything from gun rights, abortion, lgbtq, religious education, and healthcare will be up for grabs.

Hey - what did you think about Trump’s executive order to call critical race theory (the idea that racism is embedded in our American systems) ‘unAmerican’ and it can’t be taught in places (cities, states, universities, private companies) that are in any way federally funded.

I’m sorry to rant at you like this. You caught me feeling hopeless and helpless.

The thing I’m hoping for is an overwhelming win by Biden (who I’m not entirely sure has the dynamic personality to lead us through this, but will at least be kind and empathetic) and then we might be able to convince him to pack the court. Or..we’ll find a way to reverse the lifetime appointments for cause. 


I also am tired of people trying to play up “The McConnell Rule” as if McConnell should follow that wrong rule from 2016 (when he didn’t allow the Merrick Garland nomination to even be voted on) Just because he’s a hypocrite if he doesn’t.  Ugh - the ‘rule’ was wrong then and it’s wrong now.  Not only that - it’s not even an eff’n rule!!!!!!
Also, none of these people even CARE that they’re hypocrites. 

I’m feeling pessimistic today.
I hope tomorrow I can get some hope back. 
I was inspired the other day by my friend’s thought that events of the day are giving us an opportunity to shine our light - the universe/God is Calling for us to use our light - shine it out.  It’s about shift in perspective. Similar to the idea that problems are opportunities. If I had an idea of something I could do, I’d feel better about things. I know I could get involved in ‘get out the vote’ activities or join a local chapter of Indivisible. Don’t get me started on why that’s difficult for me!!!!  I’ll save that story for another day (though I’ve written about it countless times in here - I think I have anyway)

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Pearls Before Swine

 I can't remember if I've added these comics to my blog before.  I found them years and years ago (when I still subscribed to a print newspaper).  They gave me quite a chuckle.  

The entry in Wikipedia about the comic strip and the author Stephen Pastis has lots of insight about the characters.  

For me, I just know that it makes me laugh.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Living Together in a Crowded, Diverse World


If there's an article in The Seattle Times about anything related to life in Seattle, invariably the comments will include people talking about how horrible the city of Seattle is and predicting that more people will move to the suburbs and further out to get away from the crime and crowds and taxes, etc.  

This attitude makes no sense to me.  If everyone who wants to live 'away from the crowds' - even if its just a suburb with a yard for outdoor space - eventually there will be no space left.  Maybe not in your lifetime or your children's lifetime, but it will happen in someone's lifetime.  
Then What?  

Eventually, people have to learn how to get along in crowded, densely populated cities.  We can't keep running away from it.  Better to figure it out now rather than waiting until the populations of Earth have decimated the planet's resources and natural beauty.  

We can either stop repopulating the world, or we can learn how to live peaceful, humane, fair and equitable lives in the city.

This is the article in The Seattle Times that made me think of it.  Note, its not the article as much as the comments - and even the comments aren't as bad as I've seen.  I think many of the comments I'm referring to aren't honest.  But, they do reflect an idea that there is too much...'chaos' in the cities.  From what I can tell, it feels like the 'chaos' to them involves diversity of thought and action, which requires laws and regulations.  They don't like being told what to do.  If everyone was 'the same' nobody would have to be told what to do because everyone would act 'normal'.  That, I think, their feelings.

In any event, I think people should stop 'running away' from the discomfort of trying to get along with a wide range of people.  It will elevate our humanity and save the planet as well.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

How bad can one President of the United States be???

Donald Trump will make sure we find out.
It’s not even Donald’s the people who support him?
How low can he go before his supporters - in and out of government - say ‘no more’?

Sadly, his supporters won’t say ‘no more’ because this is the government and the country they want.

Donald Trump is being manipulated to bring about a Holy War.
That sounds far-fetched. But I think it could be true. I’ve heard his Attorney General William Barr and his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his Vice President Mike Pence are believers in a Dominion theology. Honestly I don’t know too much about it, but it’s religious and is about the book of Revelations. 
Donald Trump doesn’t care a whit about it. He just wants to be in power and will do whatever it takes to stroke his own ego. He’s not even smart enough to know he’s being manipulated.

Okay - that sounds like a horrible movie, and I wouldn’t bet my life that it’s true. 

Besides there are plenty of legitimate down to Earth reasons he’s the worst President in the history of the United States.

Check out this website for all the day to day details.  It's depressing, but thank goodness someone's been keeping track!!!  The website is What the Fuck Just Happened Today?

Man in the Mirror

 1988 Grammy Performance by Michael Jackson.

I was transfixed.  I recorded it on VHS tape and watched it over and over and over and over and over again.  For me, it was about the inspiring lyrics imploring me to make a change - to start with me.  And it was about Michael Jackson.  He was such a presence - strange and intriguing. Its sad to watch the performance today. I don't choose to watch or read anything about the child abuse allegations.  I accept he was both abuser and abused.  

I'm starting with the man in the mirror
I'm asking him to change his ways
And no message could have been any clearer
If you want to make the world a better place
(If you want to make the world a better place)
Take a look at yourself, and then make a change
(Take a look at yourself, and then make a

I wish he could have found a way to make a change.

Beyond everything, though, is the song.  Music and Lyrics by Glenn Ballard and Siedah Garrett.  It's everything I need in an inspirational song: straight forward message, gives me the power to take action and make change, and a rousing chorus - especially with a gospel choir for backup.

Here is Siedah Garrett singing the song.