Monday, January 16, 2017

Sixteenth Day

Downtown Bellevue Park in September 2015

I spent yesterday (Sunday) afternoon and evening with LJB along with some other of his friends and family.

I notice a lot of people don't want to read or know what's going on in the news these days (Thanks Donald Trump!).  On the other hand, the activists say - now is the time to stay alert and make noise - we can't let this be 'normal'.
I'm torn.  
I want to fight, but I'm not a great joiner. And it's exhausting to see what kind of people we're up against; they make no sense, they're hypocritical, they're prone to reflexive action, they are fearful and suspicious, they're partisan at the expense of democracy, they're religious at the expense of democracy, they're bigots at the expense of democracy, they deny our role in climate change at the expense of our planet, they'd rather make new institutions than fix the ones we have (education), they want the rest of the world to be afraid of us, they're judgmental, they support old technologies at the expense of our future (oil), and they don't have compassion for people they don't agree with.  (Not everyone is all of those things.)

Super Mario Run is NOT Mario 64!!!  It's more boring and it doesn't make me feel like I'm in an interesting world.  Disappointing.  I'm still playing, but not with the same level of enthusiasm I started out with.
In fact, this game just makes me long for Mario 64.  
I had a Wii for a while and played Mario Galaxy, but I never finished it.  I didn't have the same lifestyle I did when I played Mario 64 so I couldn't devote much time to it.  
As I've mentioned before, it takes me a huge number of tries to accomplish a trick or move.
I'm reminded of an ice world in Mario 64 where a coin was hidden underneath a sheet of ice or something.  I couldn't get that for the longest time.

I haven't been reading in the last several days. I've been spending the workday evenings at LJB's house and coming home tired and hungry.  I'm out of sorts right now.
I've spent a few hours a day/night at his house for the last 5 days.  I'm already pooped!  I can't imagine how people do more - but I know they do.  I feel like a louse for not being up to it.  
Maybe it will be easier now that work deadlines have subsided for the time being.

That's all for today.

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