Monday, June 30, 2014

The Supreme Court rules again.

I'm so frustrated.  I really dislike the opinions of Roberts, Scalia, Thomas, Alito, and Kennedy.
They are creating a country in which being a religious person makes you a first class citizen.  You get to do whatever you want.  Wait - not just a 'religious' person, a Christian religious person!

I keep talking and thinking about really going through an opinion to see what the reasoning is behind some of these outrageous decisions.  It's difficult to find the time, focus, and the understanding to go through all those words.

The latest is today's ruling in a Hobby Lobby case in which private corporations want exemptions from the Affordable Health Care act.  They want to NOT provide contraception (in their mind, contraceptives cause abortions) based on their religious beliefs.

(I just heard that there are ways around this - the government will pay for the contraception access - which is the excuse used by Alito in his ruling)


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