Thursday, May 1, 2014

Happy Pharrell Williams

Anthony Mason interviews Pharrell Williams on CBS Sunday Morning.

Two quotes I particularly like:
 "You've said that you were one of those kids who just didn't fit into the box," said Mason."No. I've just never even seen the box," Pharrell said. "It's like, what do you mean? What wall? What ceiling? What are you talking about. Hence the phrase 'Room without a roof,' you know? Limitless."
Pharrell consistently says he's grateful for his success and he owes it to the people in his life.  Anthony Mason wants him to accept that there's something special about him that creates this success...
"Are you afraid if you give yourself too much credit, it would all go away?"
"For sure," he said. "You see people spin out of control like that all the time. I mean, those are the most tragic stories, the most gifted people who start to believe it's really all them. It's not all you. It can't be all you. Just like you need air to fly a kite, it's not the kite. It's the air."
I don't think the analogy of the kite and air entirely holds up because the kite has to exist and allow the air to take the kite on a journey for there to be a magical flying kite.
I get his point, though - we're all the product of ourselves and the world around us.  But for the luck and happenstance of a multitude of variables outside our control, success may or may not come.  

I don't know much about Pharrell Williams, but I liked what I saw in this interview.

And I really like "HAPPY"

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