Sunday, December 15, 2013

Movies I've Seen - Prometheus

I watched this movie (Netflix DVD) late this afternoon when I should have been doing laundry, picking up the house, packing items up for Goodwill - any number of productive activities.
And yet - I'm not disappointed.
I enjoyed it.
Ridley Scott, director of Alien and Blade Runner, returns to the genre he helped define. With Prometheus, he creates a groundbreaking mythology, in which a team of explorers discover a clue to the origins of mankind on Earth, leading them on a thrilling journey to the darkest corners of the universe. There, they must fight a terrifying battle to save the future of the human race. -- (C) Official Site
There were a few cliche characters (why would you hire a malcontent for your two year voyage?) but they weren't on screen long enough to ruin the show.
On the other hand, the characters I liked weren't on screen long enough either.

The reason this movie appealed to me was because it asked the same questions I like to ask - where did we come from and why were we made?

Expect an 'Aliens' type experience. It all comes full circle, which I appreciated as well...:)

I'm not mentioning any details in case you're home on a gray Sunday afternoon, you feel like immersing yourself in a good story, and you don't want to do your chores...:)  You may decide to watch the movie.

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