Friday, November 29, 2013


It's the holiday season at WalMart.

This is a link to videos of some WalMart shoppers on Black Friday.  
I think the people here think this is fun - many of them are smiling and laughing.

Notice in the video called "WalMart Black Friday fight for TV 2013" the police are trying to bust things up. The girl continues to fight the police as if they're still battling for the television.  
Also, notice the person to the right who will not budge an inch while the police are trying to subdue the television girl.

I imagine this must be what it's like after the apocalypse when we're all fighting for food.
I can see I'll lose.

I hate WalMart for helping to create these conditions.  WalMart exploits people coming and going (workers and vendors and consumers).  It makes me mad that the Walton family profits from it while remaining largely invisible.

Here's the link to another story about WalMart - they're supporting a food drive for their own employees.

I can't see how anyone doesn't see that WalMart is the beginning of the end for us - not just the poor shopping behavior, but the way they do business in general.
Anyone who shops at WalMart is agreeing that this is how we should go.
I know that's a strong indictment against a small act (shopping at WalMart) - but it's the way I see things.

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