Wednesday, October 16, 2013


I am so angry at John Boehner and the 'Tea Party' Republicans in Congress.
If John Boehner had allowed the House to vote (to open the government and increase the debt limit), this would be worked out already.  There are enough Democrats and Republicans who would vote yes to move the bill to the Senate who would have voted for it, and the President would have signed it.  The story would be that the Tea Party Republicans tried a strategy to defund Obamacare and it didn't work.

Instead, John Boehner is catering to the Tea Party Republicans by putting changes to Obamacare into the bill so they will be happy.  Which will never be acceptable to the Senate or the President.

On Monday, the Senate Majority and Minority leader had almost reached an agreement.  John Boehner decided he needed to get an acceptable House bill to the Senate before he lost control and the Senate came up with a plan.  The Senate stopped their negotiations (I don't know why - out of respect?  Crazy.)  Boehner created a bill that had at least one small change to Obamacare.  He couldn't get the Tea Party Republicans behind it because it didn't go far enough to defund Obamacare!  He had to drop it.

Now, it's the final day and the Senate is back to creating their deal.  A wasted day brought to you by John Boehner.

The final day before what, you ask?  The United States will not have enough money to fund the current programs and the debts..  The Treasury Department will have to choose what doesn't get paid.  Of course, the debt has to be paid first, so programs will get cut.

We don't know what will happen next.  The financial people are using words like armageddon, and global economic meltdown.  The stock market hasn't tanked yet because the people in charge of Wall Street believe cooler heads will prevail in the end.

I'm not so sure.  I mean, it seems unthinkable, but so did so much of the other stuff that has happened.  Personally, I'm afraid my company will shrink and my job is on the line.  I worry about my savings and what will become of me.

The Tea Party Republicans want this to happen.  They want a smaller government.  They want the government to stop spending so much.  They win no matter what.
And they were voted into office by people - Americans who don't care about anyone else; they want us all to live and believe just like they do.  They're a minority and they're holding the rest of us hostage.

Do I wish Obama had taken control of them a long time ago?  Yes.  But, I don't fault him for believing the Congress should do their job and act like adults.

Whatever happens in the next few hours or days, or weeks, I wonder what will happen in the next election.  Will Tea Party people get more power?  Will conservative Republicans get more power?  Will people remember this?  What will people value when they go to the polls?

Okay - I'm done.  Sorry this isn't written well - I'm very frustrated by the subject matter.

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