Monday, September 2, 2013

Diana Nyad

Diana Nyad, at age 64, completes a 103 mile swim from Cuba to Key West Florida without a shark cage.

Several years ago, MFJ and I went to a book fair in Portland.  She was there with Bonnie Stoll to promote an exercise dvd called BravaBody.  Her name has flitted in and out of the news since I was a teenager so I was interested to see her.
The room wasn't full so before the presentation she went to each one of us, shook our hand and said hello. She was friendly and full of energy.  I remember being impressed with her attitude and how she was living her life.
I purchased the DVD, but wasn't comfortable getting it signed.

At the end of the swim, these are her words...

"I've got three messages.  One is, we should never, ever give up.  Two is, you're never too old to chase your dreams.  From here it looks like a solitary sport, but it's a team"

She looks pretty weak and out of it right now.  It'll be good to hear from her later.

Congratulations, Diana!

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