Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Cost of Saving Money

The Cost of Saving Money - Its fine to save money, but there is a cost to it.  In today's Seattle Times the cover story is about using Methadone as a reliever of chronic pain.  Apparently, methadone is effective in relieving pain, but it stays in the body for much longer than other drugs in the same class (OxyContin, fentanyl, and morphine) so there is a higher risk of death from accidental overdose using methadone.
In addition, methadone is less expensive than the other options so patients on Medicaid are more likely to be prescribed methadone.
"As a result, while Medicaid recipients make up about 8 percent of Washington's adult population, they account for 48 percent of the methadone deaths."

In the interest of saving money, poor people pay a higher price.

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