Saturday, July 16, 2011

E-mail to Dave Reichert on 07/14/2011

On Thursday I wrote the following e-mail to Dave Reichert (my Republican representative; he does take a good picture, I'll give him that):

The right wing of the Republican party is holding the rest of the country hostage. 
The President has bent over backwards to find common areas of agreement for spending cuts.  All he's asking is that we not put all the pressure on the middle and lower classes.  Can't the rich afford to put in their fair share?  Do the oil companies and Wall Street banks have to make THAT much profit. 
It's ridiculous that your party would rather cut money for social welfare programs than ask the rich to stop using loopholes to avoid paying a fair share of the tax burden. 
Your party is continuing to play games rather than govern.
Since 2001 the Congress has voted to increase the debt limit 5 times.  Why, suddenly, is this a problem for you?  I can only imagine it's because you would rather ruin our country's economic standing (such as it is) than give this president any help in avoiding a catastrophe.
The Republican party said yes, yes, yes, all the way to near disaster, gave the reins to Democrats and began your choir of No, No, No.
This voter would like to see you actually propose WORKING WITH THE PRESIDENT TO SOLVE PROBLEMS.  Stop playing games.
Not just on this debt limit issue, but getting us out of this economic hole.
Your party leadership is making you look bad.

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