Ah...so this is Barry Bonds. Okay.
He's accused of using steroids as a performance-enhancing drug in professional baseball.
The United States has spent a chunk of money in Congressional hearings and through this prosecution to discuss this.
Isn't this a waste of taxpayer money?
Baseball is a sport - an industry - in which the goal is to be the best; number one. At this level of "play", the goal is not for the sake of life lessons learned during the journey to become number one, but because being number one has financial rewards.
It's free market capitalism that allows players in the industry (owners, agents, merchandisers, media, along with actual practitioners) to do whatever they can to become number one.
Why does this affect the government? How is the government (acting on behalf of the American people) changed or victimized by the mechanism that defines who is number one in baseball?
I feel like there's some self-delusion going on in America with regard to baseball.
At the playground level it's where we teach our children about sportsmanship and fair play. In the Little League years we teach the kids about working hard, focus, dedication, teamwork. When the kids are playing for their high school or college it's about playing for the pride of your friends, school, state, country.
And, when it gets to professional baseball - everything changes. The people who get to that level are reaping the financial rewards of learning the lessons well and having some talent.
The players who dropped off along the way to pursue other goals, still have the romantic memories of learning life lessons because of, or through, baseball.
They want to uphold that ideal of baseball for their children and for their own enjoyment.
So, they demand a certain level of 'fair' play.
And feel 'offended' when it's not; when opening the veil reveals that the ideal they want to believe in is a cover for a money making machine.
Romance versus Capitalism.
(Romance is a marketing tool to fuel Capitalism)
It really has nothing to do with government.
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