PRACTICE PEACE - IN THOUGHT, WORD, AND DEED. This blog supports Peace, Personal Growth, The Energy of Love, civil liberties, human rights, good government, journalists and journalism, public libraries, and a vegan lifestyle. I am grateful for my health, employment, a warm home, indoor plumbing, and a new day.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
The Money Class
I carpooled to Kane Hall at UW with LJB, FJ, and KS to see Suze Orman promoting her new book, The Money Class.
I enjoy and appreciate her strength of personhood.
One gentleman asked if she would be a spokesperson for the LGBT community. I thought her answer was wonderful. She said she speaks about it when it's appropriate. But, she had to choose how she wanted to be thought of. She has a passion for money and helping people understand money. She doesn't want to be known as the gay/lesbian Suze Orman, she wants to be known as The Money Lady. For that reason, she'll speak about being gay when appropriate and doesn't shy away from who she is, but she projects her passion in her life.
Interesting. I wish I could figure out what my passion is.
I also like how she brings the spiritual into financial considerations.
The truth is - spirit is life.
I purchased a pre-signed book, but didn't have her personalize it. There was a long line and we were ready to go home. A good night!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Wasting taxpayer money... this is Barry Bonds. Okay.
He's accused of using steroids as a performance-enhancing drug in professional baseball.
The United States has spent a chunk of money in Congressional hearings and through this prosecution to discuss this.
Isn't this a waste of taxpayer money?
Baseball is a sport - an industry - in which the goal is to be the best; number one. At this level of "play", the goal is not for the sake of life lessons learned during the journey to become number one, but because being number one has financial rewards.
It's free market capitalism that allows players in the industry (owners, agents, merchandisers, media, along with actual practitioners) to do whatever they can to become number one.
Why does this affect the government? How is the government (acting on behalf of the American people) changed or victimized by the mechanism that defines who is number one in baseball?
I feel like there's some self-delusion going on in America with regard to baseball.
At the playground level it's where we teach our children about sportsmanship and fair play. In the Little League years we teach the kids about working hard, focus, dedication, teamwork. When the kids are playing for their high school or college it's about playing for the pride of your friends, school, state, country.
And, when it gets to professional baseball - everything changes. The people who get to that level are reaping the financial rewards of learning the lessons well and having some talent.
The players who dropped off along the way to pursue other goals, still have the romantic memories of learning life lessons because of, or through, baseball.
They want to uphold that ideal of baseball for their children and for their own enjoyment.
So, they demand a certain level of 'fair' play.
And feel 'offended' when it's not; when opening the veil reveals that the ideal they want to believe in is a cover for a money making machine.
Romance versus Capitalism.
(Romance is a marketing tool to fuel Capitalism)
It really has nothing to do with government.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Being clear water...
"To let knowledge produce troubles, and then use knowledge to prepare against them, is like stirring water in hopes of making it clear."
"The mind is a spider that, if allowed, will tangle everything and then blame the things it clings to for the web it wants to be free of. "
Mark Nepo in The Book of Awakening: Having the Life You Want by Being Present
"I am whole as I am and I don't need to use my mind or analyze anything to figure out if I'm okay or not."
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
The best of the human spirit in the face of the unknown.
Blessings to them.
From all corners of the world there is news of suffering, courage, survival, hope, struggle, change, joy, relief, charity, compassion, fear, love, brutality, apathy, pain, rebirth...endings and beginnings.
Humanity is Alive.
Let this be a day of Light
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Everywhere we turn...
8.9 Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan yesterday.
Gas prices in US threaten inflation
Ghadafi in Libya attacks own rebel citizens, vows to crush rebellion - civil war?
Republicans and Democrats can't come together for a current year budget bill - government shutdown possible.
War in Afghanistan continues
Earthquake in ChristChurch New Zealand a couple weeks ago.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Wasting taxpayer money...
This is Dave Reichert. He's my Representative to the United States Congress.
Today I visited his website to share my opinion about funding CPB.
He has a link on his website to take a survey.
Always interested in sharing my opinion, I went to the survey.
This is what I found:
In the past two years, we’ve seen a $700 billion bailout of banks and financial institutions, an $862 billion economic “stimulus” package, and a $1 trillion health care overhaul bill. I voted against each of these measures, but Congress continues to authorize massive amounts of taxpayer dollars that are adding to our nearly $1.5 trillion budget deficit.This spending is unsustainable, and threatens to saddle our children and grandchildren with a mountain of IOU’s. Which of the following reforms would be most effective in reining in out-of-control spending by this Congress?Which of the following reforms would be most effective in reining in out of control spending by this Congress?Reclaiming bailout money for taxpayers?Ensuring government is accountable to taxpayersEnsuring government is transparentStopping government overreachingComprehensive Reform for a broken earmark systemOther
At first I thought I didn't like the survey because the question and options were framed so that a particular point of view was the only option. As I thought about it a little more I realized I was being manipulated to create Mr. Reichert's next campaign talking points.
I sent the following e-mail:
"I just took your survey and I thought the options you provided were an indication of why we're having problems in Washington - misinformation, manipulation of facts, and willfully misleading the public.
If you would stop that kind of nonsense, we could have productive discussions and make tough choices to solve everyone's problems.
I appreciate you have opinions and a preference for how our nation's problems are addressed, but if you're soliciting constituent opinions, then shouldn't your questions/options be more objective?
You're presenting yourself as the kind of politician who would rather win than govern.
And you know what? THAT'S a waste of taxpayer money!!
Your "survey" is a way for you to figure out what your next campaign talking points should be; you're trying to figure out what message - with no specifics - will get you elected.
THAT'S a waste of taxpayer money!
(And, you created negative energy for yourself from me because I thought you really wanted to know. How disappointing.)"
(I just realized the link to the survey is ...GUIDEDSURVEY/Sep2010.html.
Geez - they're not even hiding the fact that it's a 'guided' survey? And what's with the date? Don't they keep up to date? I'm even MORE disappointed now. I guess I'm a little naive.)
Maybe a more important website I should link to is Washington State Democrats
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Alternative Blog Title

Someday, I might change the name of this blog to
Vickster's Blog
Solving the World's Problems
One Day at a Time
I figure 15 minutes a day to solve each problem, I could be done in a year. Right?
* * *
Now, if EVERYONE took 15 minutes every day to solve a world problem, wouldn't it go a lot quicker?
We could have this thing licked in 15 minutes.
Or even one minute...
Here is my solution:
Release your fear
Let's think on that for a while, okay?
International Women's Day
Being a women isn't better than being a man.
Being a women isn't less than being a man.
We offer unique gifts to the world, but they have equivalent value.
Together we create the human race.
United, men and women create the world we live in.
I believe we can fly.
South Korea 2011
Lahore Pakistan 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Mike Huckabee will never have my vote...
Another Republican I will not vote for.
Mike Huckabee knows the truth, but he wants to be elected so badly he'll manipulate (ignore) facts to ingratiate himself with a particular segment of the voting population. His cynicism is toxic.
He values political power more than his own integrity.
It's the pathetic and transparent act of a small man.
Article in Daily Beast by Mark McKinnon: "Wake Up Huck: Obama didn't grow up in Kenya"
Friday, March 4, 2011
I just don't understand
From Huffington Post
House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) announced on Friday that he was spearheading a process that will, ultimately, witness the House of Representatives taking over the legal responsibilities of arguing for the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act.I can't understand why this man and those who agree with him are so afraid. What harm will come to them if gay and lesbian couples are allowed to marry? What harm? His actions actively HURT and DISCRIMINATE AGAINST other human beings, while other people's marriage affects him NOT A WHIT. I just don't understand. Why is he not outlawing divorce? Heterosexuals getting a divorce hurts him just the same as gays and lesbians getting married - if that's his argument. There are plenty more heterosexuals getting a divorce than gays and lesbians getting married; the negative impact on his view of the sanctity of marriage is more harmed by heterosexual divorce.
The announcement comes less than two weeks after the Obama administration's Department of Justice removed itself from the case, declaring that it had determined the law -- which dictates that the federal government can only recognize a state-sanctioned marriage between a man and a woman -- to be unconstitutional.
It really just seems like a hateful attitude to have. It's sad and disappointing.
With all the troubles we're having in this country he would rather spend time hurting people. Shameful.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
First Amendment
Today the Supreme Court ruled that members of a certain Kansas church can legally say repugnant and horrible things at the funerals of United States soldiers when they follow state and municipal rules - even if it causes emotional distress for the families of the soldier.
(If you were to look up information about the church, it would make your blood boil and you'd feel sad and sickened that people like this have so much time on their hands. In my belief system they are not furthering any kind of spiritual, human, political,or religious cause by their unloving behavior.)
Even still, I agree with Steven Shapiro from the ACLU:
(If you were to look up information about the church, it would make your blood boil and you'd feel sad and sickened that people like this have so much time on their hands. In my belief system they are not furthering any kind of spiritual, human, political,or religious cause by their unloving behavior.)
Even still, I agree with Steven Shapiro from the ACLU:
The court's decision today, properly and respectfully acknowledged the Snyder family's grief. But, it also, correctly held that the response to that grief cannot include abandoning core first amendment principles that protect even the most unpopular speech.
I'm coming down with Royal Fever
Thirty years ago I was afflicted as well. I can't even tell you why. I think a monarchy is elitist, I'm not a fashionista, and, for me, weddings are kinda goofy.
And yet, I'm under the spell.
Prince William seems to be a charming young man despite the unusual pressures he's grown up with.
Kate appears to be a happy and courageous young woman who looks good in all the clothes.
Together, they look like they're friends uniting.
That's cool.
So, from afar, and with no personal connection, I'm kinda hooked.
Luckily, Buckingham Palace just put up a website so I can keep up to date on all the goings on until April 29th! YAY!
And yet, I'm under the spell.
Prince William seems to be a charming young man despite the unusual pressures he's grown up with.
Kate appears to be a happy and courageous young woman who looks good in all the clothes.
Together, they look like they're friends uniting.
That's cool.
So, from afar, and with no personal connection, I'm kinda hooked.
Luckily, Buckingham Palace just put up a website so I can keep up to date on all the goings on until April 29th! YAY!
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