Monday, August 16, 2010

Recent Reality Shows

Here's my two cents about some of the reality shows I've watched lately...

The Next Food Network Star: Likeable group - the top several were all pleasant to watch, particularly the top three. I thought this show did a good job of showing the competition and the judges thoughts.

So You Think You Can Dance

I didn't think it worked this season. They had the Top 11 dancing with All Stars. Clearly a good group of dancers. I realize one of the draws for the first couple seasons was the music. I liked the new styles and interesting new musical artists I discovered (Roisin Murphy for one). Lately the music, in my opinion, is bland and uninteresting. The choreography is looking bland as well. Travis Wall choreographed some great routines and what a wonderful opportunity this show has been for him. But, in general - same 'ol, same 'ol.

The Next Design Star

This show has been the most disappointing. They got rid of the host this year and have Vern essentially being the host. Genevieve and Candice are the other two judges. I have a lot of respect for each of the designer/judges and like their work. But, this show - well, none of the challenges seemed interesting. The contestants had to do mostly group challenges where they had to insert their 'inspiration'. It really didn't work for me at all. The judging segment is completely uninformative. This show has been a disappointment.

Top Chef

I've never watched this show before so I'm enjoying it for the first time. The challenges seem interesting and the contestants are talented and knowledgeable. I like this show.

Next Great Artist

First year of the show and I liked it. I'm not entirely sure I liked all the art or understand how it was judged, but I liked watching the artists discuss it and think about it and create it.

I feel there are more shows I've watched in the last couple months (because not much else is on that I'm interested in right now). But, these are the ones I remember. And really, who cares what I think about this stuff - I don't even care. Except I guess I'm noting the fact that I've watched a lot of these lately.

1 comment:

John said...

Your reading public cares, that's who!!!