Today must be Celebrate Yourself day 'cause here I am CELEBRATING MYSELF!!!
What will YOU do to Celebrate Yourself today?!??!?!?!?!
In honor of Celebrate Yourself day, I'm going to tell you what I like about ME!
1. I like to learn new things
2. I have Hope
3. I am loyal
4. I truly want everyone to be happy; to live their best life.
5. I appreciate my blessings
6. I'm willing to be goofy
7. I get inspired
8. I am logical
9. I am emotional
10. I make connections between ideas that lead me to new understanding.
11. I am considerate
12. I am polite
13. I believe each of our lives have meaning and value.
14. I believe you
15. I love to dance - around the living room or while I'm working, or even while I'm driving
16. I like the music I choose to listen to! :)
17. I make jokes sometimes that are funny
18. I have just the right amount of trivial knowledge
19. I'm willing to keep trying.
20. I'm interested in people's stories
21. I'm open to talking about possibly awkward things
22. I'm a pretty good one-on-one conversationalist
23. I will try new things at least once (with the exception of food and things that might make me dizzy - but otherwise, I'm willing to give it a go).
24. I have many moods
25. I'm not afraid to be the 'odd' one.
26. I think things through a lot, make a choice based on what I value, and then I'm not afraid to share my opinion.
27. I love teamwork and collaboration.
28. I like to get people excited about things.
29. I am honest
30. I recognize a double-standard
31. I try really hard.
32. I'm a good speller
33. I can occupy my time when alone
34. I can daydream
35. I relax very well.
Yay Me! Celebrate Me! WooHoo!

I'll save my list of 'other' characteristics for 'Put Yourself Down Day'.
However, I want to acknowledge one challenge I have. It is neither something I like about me nor something I don't like about me - it simply is a challenge I have to deal with:
I get anxiety about not having my own independent transportation to or from an event - especially if I'm not familiar with the surroundings - but I want to enjoy a shared experience with my friends, family, or a loved one.
This is the challenge that has plagued me my whole life. And made my life more solitary than it needed to be.
In the last number of years, I've just accepted it.
I don't want to - but I don't know how to get out of it on my own. It requires the patience of someone I trust.
I've often thought, if I just had a partner I could trust, this could be changed.
On the other hand - inner change is a solitary endeavor.
I feel I should get over it on my own.
But, I have no one to practice with. And I don't know if I trust someone until I know them. And how do I get to know someone if I can't go out and do things with them?
That's the part I don't get and have a hard time figuring out.
To do it on my own - I have to learn to trust myself, accept myself, and live in the present moment.
Celebrate Yourself Day is a first step!! :)
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