Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Afghanistan and Barack Obama

I listened to Obama's speech on the radio while driving home from work today.  I thought it was a good speech.  The framework of the speech made sense to me - the ideas were laid out in a logical way.  I think he made all the points I would hope to have heard.
At the end, I liked that he encouraged us to believe we were embarking on a distinctly American mission.  I felt inspired.

Yet, I'm not sure this plan will work.  I hope it does, but it relies on the Afghanistan government and citizenry to do exactly as we'd expect them to.  We have no control or authority over this.
The people of Afghanistan have to contend with realities of daily life so different than our own (corruption, poppy production, tribal affiliations to name a few) I wonder if we can impose our own will on how they resolve what we've decided is their problem.
I'm not clear what the Afghani people think is their problem.
Is it the Taliban?  Is it violence?  Is it Al Qaeda?
Is the United States goal equivalent to Afghanistan's goal?  Are our enemies the same enemy that Afghanistan sees?
I don't get it.

I suggest a Gandhi inspired strategy of civil disobedience by the Afghani people.  When they create change for themselves, they'll be willing to fight for it.
My suggestion implies that the end goal for Afghanistan people is a country like mine.

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