Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Obama's health care speech to Congress

Magnificent speech.  Very clear, direct, stern, and impressive.
Why?  Because he was clear about his three prongs of the insurance reform plan (if you have insurance and you like it then you get to keep it, if you can't afford insurance on your own because you don't get it from your job or you're self-employed you can get it from an exchange, and if you choose not to purchase health insurance for yourself or your employees you will be mandated to provide a basic health insurance).
He talked about the lies that have been told about health-care.
Then he talked about the character of America.

The follow-up Republican speech made Republicans sound like they didn't even listen to the President's speech.  The guy even said they should start all over and create a true bipartisan plan.  HA!  Unbelievable.  Only 7 months ago they had a chance.  They chose not to act then. 

Sadly, Republican Joe Wilson shouted out "You lie" when Obama said that this does not apply to illegal immigrants.  Its really, really sad how over the top disrespectful the Republicans

The Republicans showed themselves, once again, to be more interested in partisanship than solving the problem.  Cantor was texting during the speech.  Often, the Republicans weren't quite sure whether to applaud or not - they don't know what they're for.   Some Republicans were raising the text of what is presumably their plan. 

I very much appreciated that President Obama didn't pretend it was okay to lie and say anything for the political 'game'.  "We will call you out", he said. 
I also especially liked that he brought out the character of America.  He explained why its American to have a public option as a PART of health care reform.

I flipped over to FOXNews to see what they're saying (O'Reilly thinks the speech was too long, wants all insurance companies to compete nationwide, and he thinks adding millions of new people to the health insurance roles will overburden the health care system which will require rationing of health care). 
Monica Crowley thinks Obama contradicted himself when he said that there would be an increase in number of insureds and an increase in quality of care, but no increase in deficit.  She mentioned that Medicare has billions of dollars of waste and they should look into that. 
I thought that made Monica Crowley sound like she didn't pay attention because I heard Obama say that he was going to get rid of some of the subsidies insurance companies have been getting related to Medicare.  Nobody corrected her. 

It seems the Republican slant will be that the President hasn't said how he'll pay for any of this (or they just call him a liar and say they don't believe him).

I also noticed that FOXNews had a lot of commercials that were perpetrating the lies that Obama had just tried to debunk.  Weird.

My last word on this...I'm proud of him.  I think he stood up to the liars, he explained his plan, he stuck with a public option in the form he wanted, and he talked about why its American to care about each other.

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