Season's over.
I enjoyed the season because it moved pretty quickly - 9 weeks, I fast forwarded through the judges comments most of the time - that alone makes the show about 50% more enjoyable, the producers didn't try to pretend a hip hop dancer was an untrained dancer off the street, the two hip hop dancers didn't last very long, and the top 10, in particular, were all good dancers.
I had some confusion about a couple things...
Why did Evan have such a large fanbase? I'm a Gene Kelly fan so I enjoyed his style, and I thought he did a reasonable job in all his dances, but he didn't have the same range as other dancers. He had a lot of fans though. Maybe because he was so innocent looking, the younger set felt comfortable with him?
Why did the redhead girl who was a roommate of last year's Katee get eliminated in Las Vegas? There was a time when I would have assumed the judges know something I don't because of their dance experience, but I've learned over the years I can't trust the producers. There's more to that story than I've been told.
Why did Melissa get so many dances suited exactly to her? I don't like to see that. I like watching this as a competition. I want it to be a fair competition.
If Nigel Lythgoe is the Executive Producer, who's job is it to tell him he's gone too far with his sexual innuendo?
When will someone tell Mary Murphy that her screaming is out of control and not funny? And I wish the dancers wouldn't play along with it.
I thought the music was very boring this season. In the past, I've gotten a lot of new music from this show. Not this time. Did there have to be a Lady Gaga song on every show? It seemed too much like a marketing ploy.
There were several dances I thoroughly enjoyed. The thief dance with Brandon and Janette was good, along with their whole pairing. The Addiction dance with Kayla and Kapono. The Laurie Anne Gibson dance with Jeanine and Brandon, the Crash Test Dummies dance with Kapono and someone else. The Travis Wall dance with Jason and Jeanine. Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.
Update: I used to have links to YouTube videos of the dances, but they get taken down for terms of use violation. I don't understand which videos are okay and which aren't. So, no videos of the dances from YouTube.
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