1. Only JoAnn Fabrics had an ad for craft supplies this week - no Craft Warehouse or Michael's. Good. Saved some money there!
2. 13 years ago, Congress passed the Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996. It was, in part, a reaction to the Oklahoma Bombings a year earlier and Newt Gingrich's 'Contract with America'. The law includes a limit to the ways and number of times a convicted death row inmate can appeal his/her conviction.
Its an emotional reaction to scary people doing scary things. Understandable, but not conducive to an enlightened society that I'd like to live in.
From the New York Times(via the Oregonian) I learned that recently, a number of appeals court judges have seen that the limitations may be interfering with the court's goal of finding truth. The number of dissents in death row appeals court cases has been rising over the years.
I'm against the death penalty; our society seems to value saving taxpayer money more highly than a person's soul. From The Innocence Project, I learned there have been 241 post conviction DNA exonerations in the United States since 1989.
Isn't that enough to justify stopping the death penalty?
3. I intended to continue making comments as I read the paper this morning, but time has gotten away from me. I'd like to see the Urban Street of Dreams this morning, which opens at 10:00, so I've run out of time.
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