Today I'm thinking about Surrendering to Peace.
I have ideas about all the levels of fighting: fighting ourselves, fighting others, fighting among nations.
Surrender to who you really are. Its much more peaceful there. Stop fighting against your nature to accommodate someone else's idea of what's expected or desired. Be true to yourself and find peace.
Surrender the need to be right. What do you care if someone's opinion of you is wrong of if the other person is right. What difference will it make in the truth of your existence? Will you be different or 'less than' because someone doesn't agree with you or see your point of view? No.
Surrender the need for power or excess or control. It only creates a false sense of security anyway, and causes needless suffering. Eventually the reckoning will come. It always does. You'll be left raw and naked for all the world to see.
I find it most interesting to consider what might be happening at the moment before surrender.
For instance, in a war, the goal of the war is thought worthy of the death and destruction it causes. Then, at some point, someone thinks - no, this is not worth it anymore. Suddenly, acceptance of reality seems an okay compromise. But, if its an acceptable compromise at that moment, why couldn't it have been an acceptable compromise before the death and destruction?
The answer is because fighting and war are emotional reactions to perceived slights.
Peaceful actions are successful because a conscious choice is made to redress a wrong. Its not an emotional reaction, its a choice. In that instance, we are fighting WITH peace.
I wanted this to be a very powerful and profound essay on surrender and peace. Today I don't have the required skills to write the kind of essay I envision.
But, I needed to get it written down somehow. I hope I'll remember to react with conscious thought rather than emotion the next time I instinctively feel my 'personhood' is being challenged.
The Bottom Line:
The truth of who I am cannot be challenged by anyone outside me. There is nothing to be gained by fighting to protect what cannot be challenged without my permission.
I truly believe those same principles can be applied to countries as well as people.
Let's all choose to surrender our emotional needs to peace.
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