Good episode. Lots of info and setup for next week's finale.
John Locke is the very best. I like him a lot. I'd follow him. I don't know why Kate thinks he's crazy.
Jack, on the other hand, is an idiot. ID EE UT. I really don't like the way he thinks.
So, my current theory is that this 'battle' that's been going on forever is a battle between people who are trying to change the timeline so it goes back to 'normal' (whatever that is after all this time) and people who don't want to change the timeline. I'm reminded of a Voyager episode in which a man changed time and found that because of his change, his wife died. So, he spends the next years trying to make small changes in the timeline so his wife would live. There was also s Stargate episode where something similar happened. The gang ended up at a place where time kept repeating and repeating - Jack and Teal'c knew it was happening...is that the episode? Now I'm getting confused. Anyway - that's what my new Lost theory is. At some point in the faraway past, time changed and a cult has grown up around the idea that it must be changed back. But, what does that mean for our history, our way of life? Eh - its just a theory.
I think John Locke said he's going to kill Jacob because he's going to kill the IDEA of Jacob as a mysterious figure. He's trying to get the truth out - the emperor has no clothes!
The bottom line is that my leaders of choice are John Locke and Barack Obama.
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