Along with the bleak national and statewide economic news last week, my employer laid off 5 people and I suspect there are more to come before the end of summer. I've been asked to 'be more visible' and work at the office instead of from home, which means I'm more likely to be tired at the end of the work day, and I'm less likely to be interested in sitting at the computer.
I'm trying not to feel anxious about what may or may not come. Most of the time I remain calm, but every once in a while I give in to the fear I may lose my job. I want to be financially and emotionally prepared for whatever will come - that's all I can do.
In the meantime, I think...
Dick Cheney has a skewed vision of the world.
Notre Dame students (and others) who protest the President being asked to give the commencement address at the Catholic university's graduation today are part of the problem. What would happen if nobody listened to each other? What if I know you disagree with me so I refuse to hear anything you might have to say? Where would we be if everyone did that? Their attitude makes no sense in a world where even the Christian God wants people to make an informed CHOICE about what to believe.
The Lost season finale really was pretty great. I believe in the real John Locke and I believe in the Island. I've never given much thought about the island's power on its own, but now that John Locke is more dead than we knew - I want him to be resurrected by the island. Maybe the smoke monster is part of the island power instead of a manifestation of Jacob or the Trickster.
I kind of wish Nancy Pelosi hadn't gotten herself into the argument about whether the CIA briefed her on waterboarding or not. Nothing good can come of it, for any of us.
There was a great piece on This American Life this week about how most banks are not taking advantage of a win/win situation because they're too big to know better. In general, on paper, most of the foreclosed homes could have a renegotiated contract - lowering the interest rate or extending the term of the loan or something like that - which would keep homeowners in their homes. The bank wouldn't have to take back, maintain and sell the property (all very costly) and the homeowners wouldn't have to lose their homes. And it goes on the bank's book as a performing loan. One loan servicer is doing just that. But, most of the others companies and banks are NOT doing it. Why? Because the banking system is on autopilot.
I mean, really - this is the idea that any of us lay people have had for nearly a year, right? I wonder if I even said it in my blog earlier? It makes no sense why they wouldn't do it. I think I'll write a letter to Obama about it.
That's all for now. As a reminder: Life is interesting. We're being given opportunities every day to recognize the beauty of nature, marvel at the complexities of people around us, and most importantly, every day we get to try again to be more aware, more now, and more love. This is Vickster's Excellent Adventure!!
(by the way - I just changed my blog heading from Welcome to Vicksterville to Vickster's Excellent Adventure)
I find the writing on this blog thought provoking, surprising (love the thought experiments), and often times uplifting. Here's to continued success with your excellent adventure. Thanks for sharing the journy with us!
John -
Your kind and thoughtful words are overwhelming and I'm a little bit speechless! Thank you for taking the time to let me know...:)
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