Another good episode of Lost. This season, I watch the episode on Wednesday evening and delete it from TIVO right away. I want to savor it again when the DVD's come out (not until December 2009 I understand). I'v enjoyed this season a lot.
Last night's episode was fun because, as a fan of Locke, I liked that he led Ben around. HA! Take THAT you rulebreaker, you!
Both Ben and Widmore broke rules, but only Ben can get back and forth to the island. ? Hmmm. Widmore was part of the Others before Ben.
What does Jacob want? I think Richard Alpert must be the 'priest' of the group or something. That's why he doesn't strictly follow anyone's rules.
There must be an original tribe, and as people become shipwrecked or somehow attached to the island like the Dharma Initiative, some of them become Others.
Ilana's scene last night was very creepy. I think she must be one of the original island members coming home again. Either by her own manipulations or taking advantage of someone else's. She's trying to figure out who is a real tribe member after all these years and who are 'pretenders'. The question about the statue is a code to help her know who is original and who isn't.
It was suggested in a forum that she might be Egyptian. That could go along with my 'original tribe' idea.
I don't want to get into too many details. Not as much fun. Just enjoy the story.
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