This is going to be longer than I'd like because I haven't written much in the last weeks. And, the picture doesn't match anything, but I'm getting used to the idea of having an image with each entry and I wasn't sure what to use for this one. So, its a pretty picture that makes me feel summery and free. The picture comes from .littlegirlblue's photostream
(am I allowed to use the picture just 'cause?)
And now...on to current events!
A word to protestors: If you're going to protest, have a coherent argument that makes sense to rational people. Spewing hatred, vulgarity, and buzzwords designed by propogandists to foment fear do nothing to help your cause. I stopped listening when I realized you don't want me to understand and be persuaded by your argument. You want me to join you out of fear and anger and mistrust.
Until you have the confidence that the merits of your argument are enough to persuade me, and until you speak to me with the respect your argument deserves, I will not be bothered by listening to you.
I wish everyone would agree with me on that.
Torture memos: While I agree with the sentiment of Keith Olbermann's special comment, I'm not upset that the Obama administration isn't going to prosecture people.
First, I'm not clear that the administration is saying that we won't prosecute the policy makers and people like that. I got the impression they were only absolving the people who actually performed the acts (and ya gotta wonder how their souls are faring). I could be wrong.
Second, tit for tat, tit for tat. I'm sick of it. Somebody's gotta stop or we'll spend the next decades of our lives squabbling about things that took place generations ago with no end in sight - only because we feel we need to punish.
Third, we're in the middle of another crisis and we need to stay focused on the domestic and international issues we can control from today forward. The right thing to do is put measures in place that make this impossible to happen again and carry on with getting ourselves out of the situation. Is there a statute of limitations on these crimes? Can we do something about it later when we're not in crisis?
Its a heart-wrenching decision because our country has been scarred by the Bush administration, but we need to stay focused. I think surviving today and thriving tomorrow are more important than punishing the mistakes of the past. As long as we agree they ARE mistakes and they ARE in the past!
President Obama in South America: Wow. Some of those South American countries are mad. They know Obama is willing to take it on the chin for a little while about the past misdeeds of the United States, so they're piling on. I think Obama will take it, stay calm, smile. The leaders of the countries (Chavez, Noriega et al) will think they've won him over; showed him to be a weak man. And then, they'll think they want to test him again. And Obama will show them he is not a pushover. The United States will accept blame for past mistakes, but will NOT be a party to any more of their gamesmanship. We really are a strong country and if we stay true to the principles I believe our country stands for (honesty, truth, freedom, and democracy) then we won't be standing up for thugs, tyrants, corruption, and brutality. We won't be turning a blind eye to things we don't believe in just to serve a short term national interest, or a corporate machine. I think its a tall order, but its what I believe Obama is striving for.
So, South American leaders who hate us, go ahead and have your say. We accept what is rightfully ours. But, watch where you go. We are not about to fall off a cliff for you.
Pirates and Drug Wars: Criminals. Economic injustice. Somalia. Mexico. At least they're not religious idealogues. Its all about money and power.
Given that many of the criminals around the world are born into an environment in which a criminal lifestyle is the norm, I don't feel comfortable 'blaming' the low level pirates and drug people They're trying to make a buck and feed a family. Maybe. But, what about the leader guy who has managed to have a lot of money (I assume the leader lives in a fancy house on a hill, like in the movies)? He knows his money could make a difference in his community - change the equation for a lot of people. He could stop and move on in a new direction. But at that point, when its no longer about money, its about power. Anyone who can get to the top of a criminal organization isn't going to give up power. Those are the ones I blame.
And, in terms of drugs, I also blame the users. But, that's a whole other story.
As far as the hero captain of the Maersk? I applaud him and his sacrifice. But, I caution the media lionizing him. We're so desperate for some bit of 'good' news related to fighting other people and not getting pushed around that we may be taking this a bit too far. And yet, I don't begrudge him his moment in the sun. The mainstream media has a history of twisting and turning a story until it fits their own narrative. In this case its: See? The United States WILL kick your ass!!
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