Prequel: I was raised Catholic. I appreciate the religious foundation I grew up with. We went to church every week but we were definitely "American" Catholics. To me that means we know what the Pope in Rome says, but he lives in a different world in a different 'time' and is required to say those things even if its not particularly true, which is why priests give their Sunday homily about living life with compassion and forgiveness and the lessons of Jesus and how God is in everything and everyone. Some would say that's not a 'true' Catholic upbringing.
I feel most comfortable in a Catholic church service than in other Christian services (I've tried most of them at least once). I stopped calling myself Catholic when priests called for John Kerry to stop taking communion. That was unacceptable.
Here's a quick article from FireDogLake about more hypocrisy from the Catholic church.
An American Cardinal, Daniel DiNardo of Houston/Galveston, has jumped on the K-Lo bandwagon and condemned Notre Dame for honoring a Democrat.
"I find the invitation very disappointing. Though I can understand the desire
by a university to have the prestige of a commencement address by the President
of the United States, the fundamental moral issue of the inestimable worth of
the human person from conception to natural death is a principle that soaks all
our lives as Catholics, and all our efforts at formation, especially education
at Catholic places of higher learning."
So where was DiNardo when in 2001, Notre Dame invited George W. Bush, who had honored the "inestimable worth of the human from conception to natural death" by executing more people than any other governor in US history?
Where was DiNardo in 2002, when the pro-choice, pro-capital punishment, adulterer Rudy Giuliani delivered the commencement address at Georgetown?
Where was DiNardo when in 2006, Boston College invited Condi Rice -- who not only is pro-choice, she's pro-capital punishment, pro-torture, and one of the architects of the bloody, unjust war the Vatican opposes?
The silence was deafening.
This practicing Catholic has a message for Cardinal DiNardo: stay the hell out of partisan politics, Your Eminence.
I agree.
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