This is what I'm writing to Barack Obama today...
Dear President Obama,
I understand you don't want to govern from anger, and I'm glad. Taxing the AIG bonuses or legislating executive compensation, that's not the answer. Those are reactions to frustration.
Your best bet is to set an example. Its not capitalism that has failed, its the failure of a shared common goal in the United States. We've forgotten what it is.
Remind us. Remind Americans what it means to live here.
Don't embed the answer in a long speech, make it short and simple.
This is what we believe in:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
What does that mean in today's world?
We are all free to realize our dreams, but not when our dream is achieved through lying, stealing, physically harming, or devaluing another human being.
President Obama, I know you believe this. I know you've said it in a speech.
But, I think you're allowing the details of all the problems to distract you from communicating this simple truth again and again and again.
Tell Americans to 'vote' with their dollars. Help us see how we can have a hand in changing the ethics and behavior of wealthy people who try and take everything from us. We can shop responsibly, we can educate ourselves, we can pay attention to the news.
We need to believe in our collective power again. You have the personal authority to help us see that we can be a force in our own lives.
The problems of today cannot be resolved with government legislation.
The problems of today can only be solved when we the people decide to take back the power that democracy gives us.
Tell us we can.
Don't forget to get plenty of rest and be 100% in the moment.
All the best to you and your family -
And don't you forget...if you want to write to the president, click here...
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