Monday, February 2, 2009

My less than 500 word message(s) to the President today...

I have great hope and realistic expectations.
Can someone else be Commerce Secretary?
I understand people make mistakes in their lives.
I try to have faith that people are honest and work with integrity.
But, this is getting way too cliche.
I accepted Geittner because I believe you know best.
But, shouldn't he be the exception, not the new rule?
We can do better.
Somebody paid all their taxes, right?
I did.
Are they held to a lower standard than I am?
Thank you -

Addition to my previous remarks: I pay my taxes because I believe that's what people do when they want to live in an orderly society - they contribute to the common good. I don't always agree with how taxes are spent, but I believe everyone should pay fairly to maintain our country. That's why I'm getting tired of accepting all these people who don't pay their taxes properly. If its too hard for even the smartest among us to pay correctly, then change the tax laws.
Thank you,


UPDATE: I'm embarrassed. I was writing about Tom Daschle at the HHS, not Gregg at Commerce. Darn.
In any event - Daschle's name has been withdrawn. I'd like to think my e-mail had something to do with it - - - but since I couldn't even get my facts straight (sheesh!) I can't take any credit at all now. HA!

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