Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lost - "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham"

Does this mean Charles Widmore is good and Ben is bad? That's my outstanding question.

Otherwise, everyone is making choices based on their anguished gut rather than an understanding of what's going on. Why didn't Locke ask Abbadon, "Hey - what the heck is going on here? Tell me everything you know or I won't continue."

The only reason this story has a plot is because the characters who don't know anything trust people they don't know and get themselves into circumstances they don't understand on the HOPE that they're about to learn something that will explain everything. And yet they never do.

I understand the show itself is treating viewers the same way the island is treating the main characters. The difference is our lives aren't on the line. I can afford to spend some time waiting for the answer and being manipulated. Locke is dead for goodness sake, and he's trusting, somehow, that it doesn't mean his life is over!

If I were in this situation, I would not be a main character. A long, long time ago I would have said "Screw you - I'm not going to be manipulated anymore. If you want me to do something you better give me satisfactory answers or you won't get what you want."

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