House Republicans lose nothing when they vote no on the economic stimulus plan; they come from staunchly Conservative districts, they know Democrats will pass the bill with or without Republicans, and if the plan fails, they didn’t vote for it but if the plan succeeds, the economy is functioning. In either case, they get elected again. Win-Win.
Republicans are short-term thinkers. Goal One: get elected. Goal Two: present themselves as fiscal conservatives (after a Republican administration that created the largest deficit in US history)
Their public objection to the stimulus is that it includes spending items that don't affect the economy until 2011/2012, which, defeats the point of the stimulus - to immediately jump-start the economy.
Obama’s plan recognizes our economy is a long-term problem with fundamental flaws. The stimulus includes spending for the next several years so the economy can sustain itself during the long road to reform and recovery.
Republicans must think once the stock market is up to X points again, the free market will trickle down and take care of the rest of us. Which is why they’re so keen on helping the banks and financial companies, but object to helping middle class Americans.
The Senate might be a different story because they aren’t beholden to one district in a state. It’s harder to be a one-note party when you have to bring moderates into the fold as well as conservatives.
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