Last night's episode - not too bad. The part that irritated me was when Adama and Tigh stayed behind to make sure the President got off Galactica. There didn't seem to be any question that they wouldn't. The President and Baltar got away, Starbuck and Lee got away. No problem. The Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid 'last stand' of Adama and Tigh seemed phony.
The preview for next week looked good. I like hearing the President issue her warning..."I won't surrender, not ever! And I'm coming for all of you!" Pretty good. I'll assume Adama and Tigh are okay through the next plot development. But, the President's outrage and determination when she thinks they're not - pretty
Since the beginning of Battlestar Galactica, I've been bothered by how the survivors are reacting to their predicament; it doesn't ring true. I imagine different categories of survivor; the ones who can't handle it emotionally, the ones who want to settle down on any planet and get on with it, the religious minded who want to fulfill prophecy and find Earth, and the people who want the protection of lots of numbers and a military. I think survivors with divergent views would have peeled off from the fleet a lot earlier than this episode.
Lee Adama represents the Capricon (sp?) colony. He votes alone much of the time. Why wouldn't the Capricorn colony people have gone off on their own? There's a minimum amount of people required to found a civilization - as long as they have that many, they could start again on their own terms. When your whole civilization and way of life is destroyed, why not start creating your own rules? The show would have you believe its the power of the leaders that keeps the humans together. I don't find either Roslyn or Adama compelling enough to make me stay if I didn't want to. Eh - what do I know? Its all speculation. I hope I never have to find out what I'd really do!!!
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