Sunday, November 30, 2008

Higgs boson

I watched Independent Lens this evening about the scientists at FermiLab called "The Atom Smashers"

I think we should be spending a lot of money on scientific research. That's where innovation and new technologies will be discovered, which will always be good for the economy.

The Bush years have been like the Dark Ages of scieence - politicized and religisized.

The Higgs boson is the particle that holds quarks together - as I understand it. Its the glue the allows the universe to have mass. Without the Higgs boson, when particles collide they would fly apart. Something holds particular quarks together to give a mass permanence.

Personally, I think the thing that holds mass together in the particular way it appears to us now is because we, as spirtual beings of the universe, have chosen it this way. It is our world, and we created it.

My theory is that love is the energy that holds the universe together. Not love like in romantic love - but love as in creativity and joy and identity and collectivism.

I wonder if it would help if the people who study love on a personal level got together with the people who study particle physics? Would they be able to tell each other things that could be helpful. I believe that everything small is a reflection of everything big. So, maybe that would be the case here.

They had a saying in the show by Confuscious:
The hardest thing of all is to find a black cat in a dark room, especially if there is no cat.

Perfect quote for scientific inquiry like this.

The FermiLab has a supercollider called the Tevatron. In September the CERN Laboratory in Europe put their supercollider online; its the largest in the world. Its called the LHC - Large Hadron Collider. Unfortunately they found a fault with the magnets, and will be offline until July 2009.

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