I should not be in charge of hiring or firing, being on a jury, or being a voting member of congress.
When I don't have to be the one who decides, I can come up with what I think are essentially the right choices.
In the case of this vote in the Senate and the economic crisis vote, well - I see both sides and I don't really know what the exact right answer is, but I'm willing to trust the people in charge.
Even though the people who will help us get OUT of this problem are some of the people who got us IN to this problem (at least in this term). So, why should I trust them?
Well, I guess I feel I can trust them to at least get us back to where we were because they have a vested interest in the way the economy made them rich before.
Anyway - I know a lot of Americans aren't really hearing anything but bailout. And the truth is, the little provision they put in the plan to limit executive compensation is going to be meaningless in the scheme of things and was only put in because they wanted to satisfy the people (even though it hasn't helped yet).
But, there are a lot of economists who really do think either 1) we shouldn't do the 700 billion bill, or 2) we shouldn't do THIS bill.
And, on the other hand, there are lots of economists who believe we have to do it whether we like it or not.
I'm kind of in that group, but I hope I never have to defend it.
Passing the bill means the people will still be left with a crappy situation and the only way they will know what they avoided is to go to a parallel world.
Not passing the bill means we would have a more clear understanding of which was the right answer - the economy will either right itself or we'll all be in a huge mess.
Okay - so if they pass it, which it seems they will, then tomorrow is the VP debate and Friday the House will vote. Hopefully in time to cheer the stock market.
I read on a left blog that some expect McCain to vote no so he can get the 'people's vote'.
He decided not to speak at the podium today.
He's an odd one - he keeps saying he is playing these great roles but he doesn't say anything in the meeting with the President, he doesn't say anything on this vote, he makes statements and then doesn't stay to answer questions (his statement about the bailout, and his statement that he was suspending his campaign.)
That doesn't bode well for an open McCain administration.
Anyway - I suspect the idea that McCain would vote no is wishful thinking on someone's part. It would definitely be an intereting development. I don't need anymore interesting developments.
I wish Obama would be more vocal and more of a leader. He doesn't have to usurp anyone, but I wish he was explaining things to the people more instead of just giving versions of his stump speech.
That's all for now. No more tonight unless something crazy happens.
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